
Lol.. This is going to bring a lot fight which could result to a war, but i will love to see it regardless, lol

You slow down to look at car crashes dont you? LOL

i try , lol

LOL at least you are honest about it.

Oh my!! I know this is a joke...😂😂

Not if I have anything to do with it.

This gonna break everyone's kneel if it's happens to be real 😂😂

Havent you learned that around here, we break all kinds of things, including the nodes.

Like...this is making me crack my ribs

Well dont go doing that. We dont want broken ribs unless they are on your plate for dinner.

hahaha that's when the Flash comes into action to go back in time

I think you don't really enjoy living.

Today is not 1st April boss

No it isnt. That is why we know it isnt a joking matter.

Ha ha ha...all the top threaders will take a rest today.

They can not even digest this breaking news let alone partaking in another battle.

No rest for the weary although I do have to get a post done tonight. But might put up some numbers to make sure the monthly ones dont look bad.

Let's gooo! Moar #threads!!

Yeah. Have to crack the whips on the troops JonGo.

You know how it is...cant let them slack off.

I've literally tried to bribe the #ctp community to use Threads....Blog posts,

Yep. So now we resort to the universal language: violence.

Flogging will commence and remain until threading conditions improve.

I'm here for it, let's do it!!

Yeah. You hockey fans. Going to the fights and seeing a hockey game break out.

😂 😂 😂😂😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
😂 😂😂 😂😂😂