
Welcome insanity hahahahaha!

Nah. Insanity entered a long time ago.

We are just seeing how far it goes.

OMG! i need more coffee then!

With maybe some vodka in it too.

We can do it. No problemo.

I love that attitude. The new week starts in 22 minutes. Everyone get ready.

Welcome insanity!

i think we might be able to pull it off

Man, if any community could do it, Threads could for sure!!

Agreed. That is like 14,500 per day.

I'm struggling to do 200 lol

Threads or pushups?

Dude if I can do 10 push ups it's a miracle.

Please let us rest 🤣 we've tried

100k users instead of threads. Too much pointless stuff going on need mute button :P

Too much pointless stuff going on need mute button

Call the quality police.

And hell I would settle for 1K daily users. That would be a big step forward.