
If we release OnlyLeos, how can we bring more women to Hive? Otherwise it's going to be a sausagefest.

We gotta hide the uggos and only let the good looking guys use Hive for a while

Hahahaha Andele is spanish, arriba arriba is also a word xd

i suck lol

Hahaha my mom clicks everything and asks me what is everything she sees

Hmm keep her away from LeoFans. That might be an uncomfortable convo with your mom. LOL

Sorry, I missed what you said before and after "attention span of goldfish," would you mind repeating? After you answer this question, would you mind repeating the answer again just in case I miss it?

Any guesses on new Leo name?

I am still putting my money on

Until proven otherwise, I believe it will be the case.


How would you describe Hive to an elderly person who just learned the basics of how to use the internet?

Follow-up: how would you describe the internet to a Hive person who just learned the basics of how to use the elderly?

Where livestream? Gonna do spaces?

No this is going to be on jons twitter feed and youtube. We also do VIMM but that has been down a while I think.

I will do the This Week in Hive on spaces tomorrow.

Perfect I'll join :salute:

We will be about 15 minutes late.

I'm tuned on Twitter, but can't find the youtube link :(

I'm not a fan of Spaces either. I like Youtube streaming better.

"Who you selling to?". Think Budweiser should have asked themselves that. 😂

Andele is like "let's go" and "arriba" literally means "up"

I didnt believe Jon's Spanish at all.

Lol those are real words. Andale means something like "come on!" and Arriba means "above"

English is so weird ans Spanish so rich that "arriba" is up and above is "por encima"

heh weird google says is above... maybe it changes depending on country. or stupid google got it wrong lol

The translator doesn't know about the actual uses and meanings. It's technically correct but if you were to use the words, it's not like that.

got it, makes sense

I don't wanna even make a big deal using the word "web 3" I want to find a way to make it easy, like it's just another place to be.

Hello friends, what's going on here?

Do you think LeoFinance will be able to handle the massive amount of data that will be transferred once shorts goes live?

Jon, someone is trying to impersonate you on Discord. That means you are a big shot now. How does it feel?

What are you trying to say? Both NFL teams suck? 🤣

Remember to tell people to click on ads and poke around

Spaces is definitely not great, I don't like it but it's where the people are! hahaha

i hear you, it's like a necessary evil lol

Looking forward to the Cryptomaniacs "technical analysis edition". 😂

We are onboarding a lot of new people, which is great but now, how do we help getting them to stay?

Do either of you guys speak Spanish?

My question was answered haha, I like to hear all the discussion because it helps shape my speech

We have to understand the cartoon to watch it!

Yep. Thanks for the translation. LOL

We want to reach somehow "everyone" for "Hive", but we can't do them all at the same time nor with the same strategy.

Some people don't know. A lot of people don't use the "leofinance" tag on their posts. The rebranding will help with this I think.

I long for that day! Especially now with the "For You Feed" we can't have a tag like "hive" on trending taking up space of a tag that could be delivering specific content to our feeds

Get a Vista Cruiser. Nice family car

This is what every man needs...a total chick-mobile.

Do you guys think Venezuela will eventually overtake the U.S. on web traffic for leofinance according to Simpleanalytics? It's getting pretty close.

What would be your message for Web2 users getting into the Web3?

Like, how to be here, the mindset

(I'm building a message from the community for the event we have at the end of the month)

Is Morpheus got Laser Eyes? That's the question :)

Their actually the hollowed out sockets of the Mummy, but he's sparing us the gore.

If we keep on spamming questions while the show is on will you guys get annoyed for missing the NFL game? Edit: Nevermind. You guys answered already.

Based on this Threadcast, we've now learned that Jon likes to start with the bottom

Whatever happened to the HBD pumps way over $1? Can't remember the last time that has happened.

HTBD going above 1$ is not supposed to happen. My be personally good if it does but it is not actually good for the blockchain

True, it's been a while

What are you most excited about regarding the Leo rebrand?

Why doesn't leofinance show the vote value of a HIVE (HP) vote anymore, it just shows the LEO side only?

Does your "Following" feed on leothreads not work for you too? People I don't follow constantly pop up in it and it's been like this for weeks to months. I've found workarounds for it but I'm worried about new people facing the bug.

Will this be a short Cryptomaniacs show since the NFL is on at the same time?

What is hive in a lay man's language

At its foundation, a decentralized text database which provides digital sovereignty.

ok, copied. Thanks for the answer. I really

I'm very excited about the news coming up on Monday 09:10:2023, I mean our long awaited rebranding new name of Leofinance,
I guess "LIONS AND LIONESSES" be included,we the ladies are many in number in Leofinance,
my suggestion though!

Not sure what we will get other than the name change but it will be interesting.

thanks for the reminder,I will sure be