
It sure need more time and effort toward making it better if not the best stable coin out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it needs to grow a great deal.

Attention is the first course of action. It seems we are achieving that. More people, I believe, are putting some HBD into savings which will help to produce more. As it compounds, we could see the numbers get to a minimal range for usage.

At the same time, hopefully some use cases are being developed. This will help it to grow even faster.

HBD is a very powerful mechanism on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's surprising how complex something as maintaining a peg can be. It's not simply a matter of simplifying it. The peg has to work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It requires more: more tokens and more arbitrage.

That is where the focus needs to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta