Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Hive Takes A Hit (01/09/21)

in LeoFinance2 years ago


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Peter Brandy isnt for buying the dip.

We are seeing a lot of people buying the dip (including myself) as Bitcoin pulls back.

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Definitely I think this is the best time to actually do that right now

I think it depends on people's preference. I am not buying the dip but I wouldn't be buying right now regardless of whether or not BTC is going up as I am comfortable with my position.

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He has a better idea of when the bottom of the dip is approaching than most people. After all, why buy BTC that was at USD 70K at 50K when it will still fall to 30K?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How long do you think it will take for Hive to radically change this year?

Do you think things will be totally different by June/July?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Going to depend a lot on what the core devs release for other devs to use. Will we have a smart contract system? DeFi made easier or perhaps a deligated defi type of platform. Will HIVE instead move more towards a resource credit and if so we will need a number of projects that fuels that. In particular all we have right now is Splinterlands however with SPK network coming soon it's going to make for a very interesting late Q1 and Q2 into the summer for hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the big push comes in the second half of the year. Looking at the timeline on some things, I am not sure that a lot is truly rolling out in Q1 or Q2.

For example, I believe #ProjectBlank will be somewhere around the middle of the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it depends because I think applications are slowly starting to take over and they are starting to be more appealing to users. So it could be different depending on what becomes popular.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

applications are slowly starting to take over and they are starting to be more appealing to users

You're right.

It will come down to what the users see as valuable.

Applications are really going to make things more exciting for us this year, leomobile potential will be fully explorer this year plus many other projects that are still early and people are just starting to get used to .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The features built into the applications is vital. This is something that most are overlooking. Having a search feature suddenly available on Hive is truly an enormous breakthrough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Applications feed into the transformation of Hive. The more built on top and tied into Hive, the greater the value of the entire system.

So I would say some kick ass applications will accelerate the trajectory of Hive in a big way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we'll see it at $5 this year, but likely end the year around 2 or 2.50.

But that's going loosely by crypto trends in general.

Hive is bringing so much to the table, this year being our most promising ever, it may just be where we see the jump that puts us into triple digits.

I doubt that though. I think we're a couple more years from that.

Hive is bringing a lot to the table yet it is still under the radar. We need to see a lot more development unfold.

We have a number of projects that can be considered game changers. It is going to be fun to watch all that takes place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It’s under the radar but I’m taking that into account. I agree with your general assessment that Hive price is not an accurate reflection of its value.

If we had a fraction of the notoriety of even the least popular mainstream coin we’d be a leader in the environment, but also under far heavier fire from regulating agencies, but with the current trajectory crypto as a whole is on it seems like we could stay under the radar forever and still end up being a thousand dollar coin.

What are your views on LEO?

Do you think the token will move this quarter or are we destined for sideways-to-downward trading?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sideways I don't see value coming back to leo or perhaps I'm missing it but I thought CUB was going to fuel some of the price increase and value on LEO as well as CUB. We don't really get reports of how much LEO has been burned nor CUB that I know of or I can't find it?

It's going to primarily depend on when Project Blank is announced and launched I highly suspect to see a run up of $1+ when that happens much like we saw when CUB airdrop was announced to LEO holders.

Key takeaway from that should be it wasn't how much LEO you had staked but more so how long you had LEO staked for and how much which makes staking LEO right now in preparation of the launch rather nice looking!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We don't really get reports of how much LEO has been burned nor CUB that I know of or I can't find it?

Same as the ad revenue earned from our domains which were meant to be used to burn LEO.

Even if the numbers are low, we should be reporting on them with targets that need to be hit in order to make them worthwhile.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gut feeling here-- sideways-to-upward movement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. I am interested when some of Khal's big focuses start to roll out.

I guess his excitement is PolyCub for the moment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto have a way rewarding people and I know leo will eventually go up

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it will go side-ways. Even if we release some new projects, I think it will take time before people catch on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope leo keep its pace because It's the strong hold but I'm positive towards q4 leo will be in an upwards trend.

By that time we'll all be aware of where projectblank is heading toward.

When it comes to getting things done, no one does it better than the leo team, might take some time but they always get the job done at the end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone focuses upon the EV aspect of Tesla since that is where the overwhelming majority of its revenues come from. However, this is a terrific opportunity. I have a feeling it is only battery constraint.

Backing up electrical systems is vital. The distribution of energy storage can help a great deal as the needs of the world increase rapidly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know that energy storage has it's own issue but any progress towards increasing the energy storage is welcomed. After all we see so many energy issues with the move to renewable that these backups can easily come in to help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Get thy #CANDIES. Time is running out. There could be a major announcements within a decade about them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A decade might be too long. How many candies do you need before it goes live with an announcment?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no idea what their plans are. So far it looks like an internal token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HIVE under $1.40. Will it move back up? Or are we heading lower?

Stay tuned.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Honestly to me I don't expect hive to come down after going high last year,but that is the market anyway.

But I still do don't see it coming down anymore Andi think it will go up back in few days

I am glad you are confident.

For me, I have no idea. It could end up going right back up but I think that will depend upon Bitcoin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It could possibly go lower. I don't think it has anything to do with the airdrops though it just seems to be with markets in general which have taken a beating. Give it another month or two and we should start seeing upward trends again. I honestly expect a bit of a slow down till summer of this year when a number of large projects and some new innovation get released into the crypto world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HIVE does appear to be following the same trend we are seeing in the general markets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think its lower than that now.

My hive keychain app shows 1.28 rn, idk if that's accurate

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have a feeling it will go back down to test $1. Back when we blew past $1, nobody really expected it to pump up so high so retesting it for support is still bullish.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Market can be crazy but i see hive holding up at this price for a long time

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Any EV fans here:

What do you think the future is of Toyota?

Right now it is the largest automaker in the world. Do you think this company is in trouble?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Toyota may have the same troubles as other manufacturer's of EVs, but Toyota as the management and the corporate culture to innovate through them.

Toyota also has a wealth of experience with EVs thanks to its Prius line of vehicles going back to the early days of Family Guy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True but they have a decades ingrained manufacturing culture that was leading the automobile industry. The "Toyota Way" was in place for decades.

Can they quickly shift?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If the "Toyota Way" has been successful for Toyota, why bother shifting? Project Management paradigms such as can be just as useful for handling new conditions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Because the Toyota was was adopted by all the automakers and they are operating at a snails pace compared to Tesla.

That company is now invoking a way where dozens of changes are made in a week. With Toyota, and the rest of the industry, changes in design take a year or two.

Sandy Munro does excellent videos on this subject. He is an old engineer who worked at Ford so he can really speak to the contrast in speed from a Tesla compared to the others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think Toyota is fine and I know they are behind on the EV trade. However I think they can still pull through depending on how things go. Their brand name still has quite a bit of weight so I think they should be fine if they can come up with something decent before it fades.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will we see the flippening in 2022?

Can Ethereum surpass Bitcoin? This is something that the Ethereum maxis believe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No Flippening in 2022. The London Hard Fark needs to be completed first, then we'll see how Ethereum (ETH) performs compared to Bitcoin (BTC).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nothing is impossible but I believe could happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think it will happen in 2022. It will definitely take longer to dethrone BTC and their maxis.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Ethereum Maxis are becoming a pretty formidable group. There are a lot out there who are fully convinced that Ethereum is near divine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't understand why they are so fully convinced but I am not involved in ETH due to the fees. However I guess they are still making money even if the gas fees are high.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

$2.7 billion in NFTs sales last month.

Wow that is a lot of money being funneled into digital assets. I wonder how that figures into inflation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s a lot of money, doesn’t it mean crypto assets with increase anytime soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

NFTs could be in a bubble. Hard to tell what markets will do.

Plus it could be a lot of crypto money moving around as opposed to new money coming in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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At the time I post this comment, there are the prices for some cryptos:
BTC -- USD 42,131.000
ETH -- USD 3,142.630
HIVE -- USD 1.370
HBD -- USD 0.991
CUB -- USD 0.289

(Prices came from CoinGecko via hive.ausbit.dev)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The future potential of HBD is yet to be fully explored.

Happy sunday to you 😊😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to keep building out the use cases and the focus upon HBD.

There is so much potential with that as a stablecoin. It just needs a bit more work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sure need more time and effort toward making it better if not the best stable coin out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it needs to grow a great deal.

Attention is the first course of action. It seems we are achieving that. More people, I believe, are putting some HBD into savings which will help to produce more. As it compounds, we could see the numbers get to a minimal range for usage.

At the same time, hopefully some use cases are being developed. This will help it to grow even faster.

HBD is a very powerful mechanism on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's surprising how complex something as maintaining a peg can be. It's not simply a matter of simplifying it. The peg has to work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It requires more: more tokens and more arbitrage.

That is where the focus needs to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

An ongoing update with cryptocurrency prices. Not a bad idea.

As I write this:

BTC -- USD 41,702.000
ETH -- USD 3,114.330
HIVE -- USD 1.330
HBD -- USD 0.986
CUB -- USD 0.288

It seems down from when you posted.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HBD is its own thing, so I won't say anything about buying it ot not buying it. I don't know what's happening with CUB, but the sale continues.

As for ETH, it may be a good time to buy, although I;m seriously considering bringing the ETH I have into Hive Engine to sell it for HIVE + Layer 2 tokens; over time I'll recover what I've lost in gas fees that way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The advantage on Hive is that we can enhance our returns through activity. That is what makes so many of the tokens along with Hive appealing.

We can 8% or so simply through curation. That is a great way to offset losses regardless of where they come from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

On top of that, Hive doesn't make you go crazy trying to time your transactions to take advantage of low traffic and/or low token price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt. We do not have to worry about the transaction fees.

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POB had been getting hammered the last couple of months to being considered toast, but it's opened higher the last 4 days. With the recent airdrop snapshots done and VYB launched, perhaps POB is beginning to regain value. It's too soon to say, but it's good to see a token make a comeback.

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Well POB hasn't really gotten any updates and the main tribe creator hasn't made a post or comment in months.

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Here is a great interview by Raoul Pal with Matthew Ball.

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New user writing via the LeoFinance front-end:

I'm not the biggest fan of posts featuring a ton of affiliate links, but it might be worthwhile offering some support to the new guy :)

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