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RE: BP Buying Tesla Charging?

I am not sure they are going to invest $1 billion in Tesla. I didnt mean to infer that.

What they are doing is not exactly clear. I would guess that BP is looking to be a player. Will they buy some of Tesla's existing charging stations? Maybe that is the what was meant.

I have a feeling it was more of the idea of them buying the chargers and setting up their own stuff. But we will see.


I believe that would be the more rational one you may be right on this one... I guess we'll have to find out eventually 🥰 lovely video enjoyed every bit of it... Web 3 is super proud of you man

It was some odd wording so many are confused. I guess the coverage is waiting until Tesla makes some sort of announcement.

Absolutely... We can only get the facts from them now..
However it was lovely finding out on Web3 than Web2 ... 🥰