First Saturday Savers Saturday as a LEO orca!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hello Hello Lions Bees and Saturday Savers

This is my fifth week as a Saturday Saver and time is hurtling at full pelt to the end of the year.

Did you participate in the #lpud Leo Power Up Day on 15th August? I did and was lucky enough to win a 20k LEO Power delegation for three weeks making me an Orca for three weeks.

How fluffing cool is that! Thank you to @leogrowth for that!

I strongly suggest that you participate in the next #lpud on 15th September, after all you could be lucky too:)

This is week 34 and we are now down to only 18 weeks to hit my goals as a Saturday Savers Club member.

saturday savers clubweek 34.jpg

source Image by Alexa from Pixabay modified by me in

How did I get on?

I would say that as usual it was a mixed bag of success!

My primary goal is to progress my HP to 2500 by the end of the year. This means that I need to gain an average of 49.5 HP per week, and last week my author rewards were 29.67 HP and 17.93 HBD.
My curation reward was 1.77 HP.

This is pretty much constant now for me when it comes to author rewards posting seven days a week.

Luckily I gained some HP for coming second in the engagement league. People keep saying engage engage to get better rewards. I do finish in the top 3 of HEL most weeks, so am very grateful for the HP I receive for that. I guess I am either engaging with the wrong people, or my posts are not good enough quality, or I am just unlucky with rewards.

However, Hive for me is a social site, so I shall keep engaging who I engage with and carry on with the writing of posts that I enjoy writing.

Weekly rewards 42.75 HP (last time it was 43.59 HP)



Saturday Savers Club

This is the fifth week being a Saturday Savers club member, and I joined with my savings partner @coquicoin and we have a gained a fierce determined savers child in @deraaa

If you want to know more about the club then do check out Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | 2022 Launch and FAQs

There is no pressure, you just pick some goals and publish your progress reports every so often.

I have made a leofinance #thread for more information if any of you want to join our little fun team, hint hint @jane1289 and this is something that you might like too @breadchamp and @bmjc98

Check out the #thread and I shall make it a threadstorm!

Saturday Savers Club Goals

I have split my goals into three sections.
Firstly my primary, then my secondary and lastly my tipping token goals.

My 4 Primary Goals


I am on track to hit my HP goal of 2500 but not to increase the goal!
My LP needs to grow and I need to power up about 400 LEO for the next #lpud
Hopefully I might gain some LEO curaton rewards with my increased orca LP vote for the next three weeks.

My EDS Mini Miner (EDSMM) now live! goal is still on track.
HBD is down as I shuffle HBD to get other tokens.

My Secondary Goals


☑️ Rising Star Goal On Track ~ Millionaire Card Mission earning 11,000 starbits every day

I increased my DHEDGE goal from250 to 1000. There is something gratifying when you see more tokens drip into your wallet from holding one token!

My Tipping Token Goals


I upped my LUV goal to 500, the other tokens are coming along.
LOLZ are going abit crazy with all the news coming from them.


All I can so was it was nothing special apart from one thing. I am on track with my HP goal which is still my primary goal.

Overall an average week, but because I won a #lpud 20k LP delegation for three weeks I will give myself one extra point!!

Now for the fun.

My grade ~ I give myself 7 out of 10

That is my baseline savings plan, and I shall monitor and revise any tokens to be added for my progress reports on a Saturday.

This is NOT and in no way is it meant to be investment advice. As always please do your own research before investing.

There you go that's my week 34 savings and progress report.
To get involved do check out @eddie-earner or @susie-saver for details about the Saturday Savers Club and activities for this week, you could even win something! I just want to say a big thank you to @shanibeer for running all of this.


Many thanks to @raj808 for the banner design 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hi @tengolotodo,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord

That is pretty good, I salute you ability to go that far

Cheers mate, are you doing similar to this?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dang! That's a lot! Will definitely do a separate spreadsheet for HIVE. Tracking earnings is one of my favorite things to do but will do mine simple first till I have more. :) Thanks for the idea, Ed!

Oh I know how much you love to track crypto portfolios MJ and that is why I mentioned you. Every Saturday they post a weekly round up and by commenting you have a chance to win a token or two, so good fun and a chance to win something too:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice. That's easy peasy. I will re-read this article again later. I just need to write first. HEHE. :) Thank you for the mention. :)

hehe of course it is easy peasy for you!
Now write na ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello hello, saver partner!!

Haha, I saw that today you have your bossy boots on today and I have to write a post for the Saturday savers club hehe. I will do it, yes, sir!! when I finish my shopping, hehe ;)

I am on track to hit my HP goal of 2500 but not to increase the goal!

Got the message Super Ed, I won't make any suggestions about it these days 🤐 But who knows in the future 🤣

Your articles are great and you know it, I don't understand the criteria that some people use sometimes to reward posts around here, but anyway it is what it is, and for us is No Surrender!

PS you are a LEO Orca for the next few weeks Super Ed, that's a clear 9/10 for me. Use your power wisely so you get some of the Leo you need to achieve your goals ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

jeje got the message jaja I so could not tag you at that part jajajaja
It is what it is but for next year, then yes I will up the weekly average as in theory my curation rewards will be going up slowly but surely.
As for the criteria who knows, I like what I do and the Super people I interact with:)

Yessss No Surrender sums it up:)

Oh a 9/10 well Don Modesto was wanting to put down 9.99/10 for winning the LP and being a temp Orca, Ed sensible head said behave

hehe enjoy your Saturday evening Super Eli and thank you for everything, and by the way it is Saturday today, are the flights sorted etc for you and Rodrigo?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

jeje got the message jaja I so could not tag you at that part jajajaja

No tag needed era obvio a quien iba dirigido el mensaje 🤣🤣

Oh my gosh, and there is an Ed sensible head jaja. You are so funny Super Ed, and I have to confess I like the Don Modesto you 😉💙

Yep, flights sorted. We have booked and we are traveling the second week of sep to Bogotá🤞

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haha yes there can be an Ed sensible head!
Don Modesto is of course more fun though :)
Oh the second week of September and you go there direct, no need to go via Panama?

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Hehe hello Don Modesto :)
We need to do the stopover in Panama as not direct flights yet, and that also means the tickets are still expensive 😒

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello Hello Super Eli
ah so you are going to have to have a stopover, oh that is a pain and yes more expensive.
Ouch I guess!

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I really admire how organised you are. You just seem to put everything into place and now, I watch- the child that i am- as you achieve them

haha organised haha me!
Well I like numbers so can see something to aim for, in that sense words don't it for me!
hehe the child you are!

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just keep all those faces smiling!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great work on your goals Ed!! With Hive going lower, perhaps lower the 50/50 ratio for your posts to 75% Hive so you achieve your HP goal! Anyhow, keep up the good work! Enjoy the Orca status! you must be busy on Leo these days! LOL

Thanks for that Steve, as for changing the ratio I thought it was either 50/50 or 100?
Yeah will be spending some more time on Leo although I do a fair bit already!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you are right Ed. Perhaps every other post 50/50 and 100?

Keep up the good work! !CTP

Yeah I used to do that, cheers Steve!

You are doing awesomely Tito Ed, hiving on no matter what and engaging as you always do :) Salute!

Congratulations on becoming a Leo Orca and thank you lots for spreading #Leo love around!

I wish you the best on your goals. I believe you will cross them off before you know it :)


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Yeah farmgirl, will keep on hiving ~ No Surrender!
Yea the LEO was mental but fantastic if I do say so myself, have a magical Monday CJ:)

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That's great Tito Ed!

Yes, it's a very cold Monday morning here. Hard to get out of bed, lol! Have an awesome Sunday night to you :)

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hehe cold and wet is our Monday night CJ, hope Tuesday is better for you na!

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Oh, we're in the same weather boat I guess hehe. Still gloomy today but hope there will be no more rains. Missed the sun already :)

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I think it will be cloudy rainy possible sun at times CJ!
Hope you are having a great Tuesday

That's good Tito Ed. Tuesday is good so far, thank you :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great work keeping track of your earnings and setting a goal. Currently, i have no goal set but I love this and will surely start soon.

Thank you and yeah I wish I had started sooner, but better late than never, look forward to seeing you set yours:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Progress is still progress - so its a good week ! And that LEO delegation is brilliant - be interesting to see how that helps over the coming week.
Best of luck and keep on stacking !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Progress is good and hell yeah the LEO delegation fair made me chuffed!
Have a great week:)

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@hoosie! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@hoosie(8/15) tipped @tengolotodo (x1)

Learn more at

I'm back!!! :)

Welcome back :)

@eylz619! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

thanks Ed! both for the welcome back and the token :)

My pleasure Eylz, what are you doing up?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice graphs, but much more nice and worthy goals! 👍

Maybe I missed it in your post, but what does it mean a "Leo orca"?

Those are some great looking numbers, kuya :) Keep progressing!

Salamat kuya, slowly but surely I am getting there:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Have faith, kuya :)

Congratulations @tengolotodo! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

You received more than 35000 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 40000 upvotes.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

The Hive community is in mourning. Farewell @erikasue!

That is awesome , thank you so much and let's have a buzzy week :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for tagging me master @tengolotodo . I will do this master but I have to ask you how first how to hehe

hehe I know you have to ask, but it is good to do and I wish I started when I joined as it would have helped me grow quicker, I shall message you my wee BC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@breadchamp! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thank you so much @youarealive @tengolotodo 😍❤

You are so very welcome my wee BC, I like tipping you :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are so generous, master, I don't know anymore how to pay you back.

pay me back for what, you know it is pleasure seeing you smile my wee BC if I help you!

Holy smokes that is spiffingly well achieved

hehe cheers Nick:)

@nicklewis! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.