
LMAO. You should! Let those cats be your LEO miners. 😂😂

Btw do you own more than 1 cat? That's cool. I have one but I want to get more although my mom won't allow it to happen. 😒

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hehe yea, I have two

Don't have any pics of them on my phone and they are doing god knows what around the house so I have no idea where they are right now lol

I'll try to take a pic of them and post it here later

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've actually got three cats, down from five. And one dog. My house is 60 years old and we used to have mice every winter. No longer. They stay out all night and we get little "presents" on the front step every once in a while but it sure beats the mice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha. That is so cool. They are really good at scaring those mice away.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, they are great for that!

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Awesome! Cats are so fun. They do crazy things and make stupid faces. Beats the stress! 🥲😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea man, I love those fur balls :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure. The age of automation with a different twist.

Fuck AI. Cat power.

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Have you thought if it was possible? We would have an army of cats helping everyone here hehehe...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

haha yea, I know I would!

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You need to get a dog!

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Man, I really love dogs but I like the bigger ones (used to have a Labrador and a Golden Retriever) and I live in an apartment so it's hard to have them around

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My last dog was a mix of a pure bred golden retriever and a pure bred chocolate lab. Gorgeous dog and a fabulous disposition. Miss him deeply. Once I get moved and settled (whenever the hell that may be) I want to get a golden puppy. I really don't care for little 'foo-foo' dogs!

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