
This is is price list of the Hive Engine tokens you mentioned looks like at the time I wrtite this reply:

L2 TokenUSD

The games are in there, and there may be others with a similar profile.

CINE and VIBES represent entertainment-oriented tokens (television, movies; music, audio). Tokens for video and streaming services may have a profile like these.

CTP is an active tribe, even if the token price is lower than what I had expected. Marketing never goes out of style, and it's always needed (especially by us at Hive).

A number of other Hive Engine tokens are priced similarly, but they could be stinkers for all I know. These tokens listed above have utility and demand. Thanks for the suggestions.

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You're welcome!

Where did you consult the USD prices of those tokens btw? I sometimes struggle to fin da good source

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Those are Layer 2 tokens, so I just checked Hive Engine. It takes a while for the page to load, but after that searching can be quick.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ahh right, silly me

it was easier than I thought

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hunger has that effect on all of us. Keyboard warriors have to eat, too. I'm out for now. I'll be back later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta