
Maybe not a coincidence. There could be bigger forces at work.

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Definitely not a coincidence! 🤞

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Siete de Septiembre (7th of September), a day that may become a holiday in El Salvador. Their Independence Day is on the 15th of September, nine days away.

There is no such thing as coincidence in my opinion.

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That's cool! How do you guys generally celebrate this day? Do parades happen?

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Yes, usually there are parades but right now the political situation here is very unstable so rather than celebrate, the enemies of the president are going to protest for his removal and his supporters are going to protest for his permanence.

We'll see how that goes

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Lol. Politics screws up all the fun little good things. Screw it!

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Have a happy Sete de Setembro. Here in the United States Brazilian Day, as it is called here, will see a celebration in New York City near Times Square! This is a look at the celebration back in 2019.

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Yea, I remember hearing about that celebration! If I remember correctly, there used to be concerts featuring famous Brazilian artists too.

Probably didn't happen the same way recently due to COVID but it used to be pretty big I think

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