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RE: Why do you want to be rich?

I think people are overly concerned with becoming rich. Many times we sacrifice so much of our life to earn money, and don't enjoy the money we earn or it comes at the expense of alienating friends and family.

Rich is good if it happens and there's nothing wrong with trying to make it happen. Take time to enjoy life too though.

I would rather have a life rich with experiences. Travel and adventures. I always ask myself how much I really need and what do I need to make me happy. If I can achieve happiness without financial worry, I'm rich!

Money can't buy happiness, but when problems arise, money makes life much easier to deal with.

Some people go though life building a fortune but never really experience a true life. I just never want to be that person. I guess what I'm trying to say is material wealth is awesome as long as it doesn't come at the expense of a life rich with experience.

IDK, this is something I've contemplated a million times. I suppose true wealth differs from person to person based on what they feel is important.

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