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RE: 1892 Austrian 20 Francs/8 Florin Gold Coin

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Beautiful coins saver. I really need to get me some of that old European pizazz!
And you are so right about stacking as a means to prosperity and assurance.

Just yesterday, and a Sunday no less, I had an urgent need for some cash dollars in my hand… And my stack was there for me again.
I converted to fiat, and then struck at what I believed to be the bottom of the crypto rout.
Today? Profiting!
Soon I will take some more crypto off the table and maybe, just maybe, find meself some florins.
Keep on stacking and keep on macking saver!


Great call, Old Man 🤣
I'm thinking about another PRECIOUS w/d in the near future!!

Not older… wiser 😜

That's the way to do it, @thedamus.
Your stack is there to serve your needs.