
Believe is subjective: Vaporware can be attractive :) Think of investment point of view: San Fran style angle investing, ie investing in concepts and people :)

I read about STRATIS (rebranded and rechained to STRAX). They tell us they (gonna) offer a smooth migration path for Ethereum based DeFi projects to their STRAX chain. Here is a popst I wrote about it some time ago:

Will give it a read. As far as I can recall Stratis was a project from late 2016 early 2017??

Correct, an old project. The team is primarily a consulting firm bringing blockchain tech to companies. As far as I remember they are based on Switzerland, the city of Zug (the blockchian city in Switzerland). The base chain was Stratis, now it is Strax (faster blocktimes). Chain is based on PoW, kinda like Bitcoin chain, but modified. They have side chains for services. They also provide whitelabelled (public/private) side chains to companies and corporates. In my opinion, a very professional company and management of the tech with the aim to connect none-crypto world with blockchains. Not a fast mover in that sense, in financial terms, but a solid mover.

Did you manage to recover your tokens from the now defunct wallet? I still have ARK, Waves, QTUM, Blockv (Vee??) all from 2017. The BlockV tokens cost me $540 ... now they worth $1.20

Yea, I got my STRAX :)

Have so many coins from back in 2017 that are worth nothing today. Just reading up on the latest and greatest by FunFair team. Their token is on the rise and loved them back in 2017. Almost a top 100 chain now in market cap. Super! :)

Strax on a rip today .... looks like quite a bit of upside stillto come

Cool indeed. Noticed by far the largest volume is at Upbit, the Koreans at play! Gogogogogo :)
That said, still trailing BTC a lot with about 4x gain over bottom about a year ago, while BTC did what? 12x?
But who wants BTC: Alts are so much nicer {LOL}