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RE: How Am I Doing with my Hive Goals? (Week 16, 2022)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Wow you are doing great!
And remember that you thought these comments were hard to achieve? It seems like you're absolutely nailing it!

I'm sorry for not always responding or commenting, I do read and upvote your content, but some days I just can't keep up with online as real life is very chaotic :)

SOON I will be a better engaging person again :)


I'm sorry for not always responding or commenting, I do read and upvote your content

I find myself in the same situation some days, so I understand perfectly. Yesterday I didn't even have time to write my own post.

Which is fine, I try not to be too hard on myself for missing days of content. But I never skip an email haha. :)

Have a good week ahead!

But I never skip an email haha. :)

I skipped that too. And, for example, today, I have from yesterday 15 unread posts or recordings I didn't listen to (one or two very long), from the ones I really want to check out.

well, life happens :) lol good luck on catching up :)

Thanks! And yes, indeed, life happens.