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RE: It's Crypto Mondays - One Month Later....

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Holy moly 200 dollars woohaaa!
Thanks guys, I really really appreciate it!
I would like to get some sweet Listnerds as a prize because it will boost towards my goal!

And I didn't realize that getting up the leaderboard just from blogging was such a big thing, lol. I have a few domains that I can use, but I don't have the time to sit down and make that look good so this is something for later this year probably. Until then, I shall just keep doing what I do best: blog about it.

This journey has been amazing and I can only see this grow and explode at some time when more people with no background in affiliate marketing hop onboard!

I will sure be there to keep writing about it and share my thoughts.

Again, massive thanks!!! A great way to start the day :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's been awesome to watch you really embrace this stuff and crush it with your content!

Thank you so much for your support...It means a ton!

That means a lot coming from such an expert in this field!
It's been so much fun and I love how people are starting to see that these two worlds coming together brings in a world of opportunities.

I will continue to write about it and of course, try to add value to Listnerds..

Let's keep building :)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta