It's Crypto Mondays - One Month Later....

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Can you believe it's been over a month since ListNerds relaunched?

And throughout the past 4 weeks, we've been holding a cool little 'referral contest' which ended this past weekend...

Which means....We have winners and they are sharing a piece of the $1000 prize pool we allocated for the contest!

The winners are:

(These are ListNerds usernames, not always Hive)


You guys ROCK!

Make sure you drop us a line via our support desk and let us know what prize you would like....Details are in the video, so you've got to watch LOL

We also went over a ton of #Splinterlands content, @he-index news and 'Jongo's Formula' from yesterdays blog post!

Hope you guys enjoy the show!

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Holy moly 200 dollars woohaaa!
Thanks guys, I really really appreciate it!
I would like to get some sweet Listnerds as a prize because it will boost towards my goal!

And I didn't realize that getting up the leaderboard just from blogging was such a big thing, lol. I have a few domains that I can use, but I don't have the time to sit down and make that look good so this is something for later this year probably. Until then, I shall just keep doing what I do best: blog about it.

This journey has been amazing and I can only see this grow and explode at some time when more people with no background in affiliate marketing hop onboard!

I will sure be there to keep writing about it and share my thoughts.

Again, massive thanks!!! A great way to start the day :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's been awesome to watch you really embrace this stuff and crush it with your content!

Thank you so much for your support...It means a ton!

That means a lot coming from such an expert in this field!
It's been so much fun and I love how people are starting to see that these two worlds coming together brings in a world of opportunities.

I will continue to write about it and of course, try to add value to Listnerds..

Let's keep building :)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool update - good to get back to a more active role in Hive. Been a long journey since joining Steemit in August 2016. Building those passives is working. Posting every day is working to build those HP.

Delegating to @leovoter is churning out nice sum of LEO every day.

Bought some CHAOS - best part is the HIVE I used for that came from STEEM I sold some time back after a power down that side. That makes CHAOS a passive freebie.

And LISTNERDs returns are better than 10% a week.

The gift that keeps on giving is Hive lol

That was a very cool referral contest :-). Thanks a lot for the prizes. I sent a support ticket for my choice.

Appreciate it man, thanks for the support!!

Well it's nice that number 11 got included in the giveaway. What are some of the thing you plan for the next month of Listnerds? You hinted that there are a few things you are already working on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah there was a tie so we figured, everyone wins lol

Super secret plans...But you guys are gonna love it lol

A month already! Dang! Pretty wild it's been that long already. It always feels so rushed and long waiting to launch a project but once it's out there time seems to fly by.

I have to say it's shaping up nicely. Good amount of emails, meet a number of new people using hive which I now support because of it and plus getting some more CTP on top of that and marketing for my own articles doesn't hurt!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah man, 4 weeks gone just like that lol

It's been a blast for sure, learning lots and hopefully bringing more people over to the good side of the force!

Congrats to all winners and hope I will be a winner someday

Join up and get active, you never know it could be your lucky day!

Congrats to the winners

Great contest and they all put in fantastic effort.

Nice work, it is really good . am so impressed.


@jongolson, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Happy Valentine's day and asked us to give you a new badge!

Valentine's Day 2022

To find out who wanted you to receive this special gift, click here!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!

Congratulations to all the winners.
The prizes will surely help the authors reach their goals.

Hmm, secret feature revealed on Thursday? What could it be? :)

Short Summary:
The episode discussed in the transcript revolves around a crypto-focused video channel reviewing a referral contest, crypto investments, and community engagement within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. The hosts share updates on a project's progress, announce winners of a referral contest, discuss various cryptocurrency investments like Chaos Tokens and Index Tokens, and emphasize the importance of community involvement and engagement. Lighthearted banter, project updates, and investment advice are interwoven throughout the episode, providing viewers with a mix of informative content and industry insights.

Detailed Article:

The latest episode of the crypto-focused video channel featured a dynamic discussion between the hosts, highlighting key aspects of the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. The episode commenced with the announcement of the winners of a referral contest, where the top performers were recognized for their innovative marketing strategies. Notably, ProSurf or Kenny secured the first-place spot through successful email marketing, while the second-place winner excelled in blogging, showcasing the power of combining different marketing techniques.

The hosts elaborated on the prize distribution, ranging from $40 to $300 worth of tokens, while humorously acknowledging John's exceptional performance in email marketing with over 100 or 200 active referrals. The conversation playfully touched on the ethics of participating in contests and the significance of fair play in affiliate marketing.

Moving forward, the hosts teased a new program launch without divulging specific details, generating excitement among viewers for upcoming developments in the crypto space. They emphasized the channel's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, particularly focusing on engaging the audience with compelling content.

As the episode progressed, the discussion shifted towards specific crypto investments, with a spotlight on Chaos Tokens and Index Tokens. The hosts shared insights into their investment strategies, advocating for long-term asset holding over frequent trading. They highlighted the benefits of Index Tokens, such as receiving vouchers for Splinterlands, as part of a comprehensive investment approach.

Moreover, the episode delved into successful marketing strategies, prize distribution in contests, and upcoming projects within the crypto space. The hosts successfully blended informative content with industry updates and lighthearted banter, creating an engaging and educational experience for their audience.

In conclusion, the episode provided valuable insights into various investment strategies, community engagement initiatives, and project developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sphere. The hosts' energetic delivery, informative discussions, and teasing of upcoming content left viewers excited for the future of the channel and the evolving landscape of crypto investments.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.