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RE: Hive Requires Patience

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The challenge is somewhat related to the governmental fiat system dependency most of us have. The slower we sneak up on early majority adoption that happier we are as we build our stake, and the longer it can sustain momentum with FOMO not being the main factor.

We are heading there slowly but surely and governments recently printing relief money is going to help in its way!


No doubt governments, who are henchmen for the banks, are a major problem. I agree, the longer we fly under the radar the better. Built out as much as possible before they start to go into attack mode.

That is how we will best insulate ourselves from the blowback of those powerful entities.

I believe that each day, our market gets that much stronger. The numbers are growing slowly and the wealth held in digital assets keeps expanding.

Posted Using LeoFinance