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RE: UNOFFICIAL WINNERS LIST FOR #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) August 1st, 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello, @yems!

I took a quick peek, and it looks like both your power ups on the first counted (and you scored yourself a nifty @hivebuzz badge in the process), but since you didn't have the 100 Hive Power in your account before the first, they didn't count as qualified for the main prize pool. However now you're definitely set for September's Power Up Day, and glad to hear you're planning to join us! 😊

And thanks for giving it a shot, even though you were at work - definitely appreciated! 🤗


Yeah! At least I got a cool badge for all the Hive.
I can't complain haha thank you for checking.
I was shown a lot of support on my post this month so i'm really happy I got to participate.
Take care, hope to see you around before the first!