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RE: Last 365 days of Value Plan payouts organized.

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)

I'm Venezuelan, and the number you have there for salaries has nothing to do with prices. The prices of the products are the same or higher than in the USA. So the prices of merch, transportation and stuff like that, that are expenses on any event around the world, are basically the same, but here we do several in different places that are getting attention from companies, universities, mass media, and more.

And for those numbers in the salary, if you run a company with those salaries you are just a bad person starving people. Not a single person actually lives well on those salaries, 236 is not normal at all, that is hella high actually, my mom for example gets paid like 30$ a month. Even engineers have to get multiple jobs and even do on-line jobs that have nothing to do with their career just to get by, keep in mind the prices of food and everything else is the same than in the USA, probably rent is the only one that is cheaper, but still high for the salaries.

Venezuela is a hella weird situation, we can live because we have on line jobs, help each other, and because most families owned houses before the crisis so not everyone needs to pay rent, but we do work a lot for Hive here.

If we were actually paid a salary, and that be the same as minimum hourly wage on the US, we will all be major whales.

And as to why it help Hive being known in a place like this and this is just part of my opinion: Because we are one of the very few places that can legally put Hive to test on real life, with companies and more, we can create real use cases that make institutions shift to web 3 and do it on Hive. That is a great portfolio to then show on a global scale. And it doesn't happen overnight, it has been a long run that is now giving nice results.