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RE: Ride it 'till the wheels fall off.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It should alarm everyone how many mega-rich preppers there are out there.

Yeah, not only mega-rich. Society is broken in many ways.

It feels like we are in a world of followers ( sheep?). Nobody wants to have their own opinion, working like a swarm but don't think like a swarm.

IMO pretty dangerous. Special in the combination with greed.

I think the problem is not capitalism, it is the consumption and the greed for the newest on debt.

2 Guys have seeds. 1 plant them. 1 eat them.

What do you think happens? I think we both know :)


So... the guy that eat it, because he didn't share with the guy that planted it, he dies. Then its only one guy.. but because he planted it, he does not have food, so he dies too.

Moral of the story... if you want to survive, share!

And work together.

But, this story can end in every way, depending on perspective.

If we think seeds like savings and not a total amount, the planting guy with the patient and a higher acceptance of pain level will end up with more.

In the world of consumption would now be the term " tax the rich".

And so on.

I like the work together part the most too. But work together would be for 99% of people "both eat the seeds and no planting" :D