
Relying solely on influencers can be risky, and it's always wise to supplement their insights with your own thorough research. Asking questions and seeking diverse opinions can provide a more well-rounded perspective.

away that's just it, you're right on track, take out time to do more search on their advice, that's a way to go.

Just like that speaker said, it doesn't take a lot of time to do the necassary research. The time spent are worth it.

The influencers are just there for promotion. I doubt if they ever invest their own money. They are rather paid more to promote shit.

most are either the brain behind the scam or just being paid to Market it, and that's pretty bad, we just have to wiseup.

Sure we have to. They have to start showing people their portfolio in thw asset they promote.

yea that's it, just be careful and make research.

It saves us from heartache

Impressive, I'm telling you, nothing beat the feeling of no stress.

Nothing. Loosing wealth to scam is devastating.

well said. And that’s the first important thing to do before getting to invest

absolutely, it's good to see you agree with me on this

You play too much. I am not agreeing with you in-depth. That’s just a surface agreement 😂

I know sir, oya tell me yours in plain language

I am not. I believe I am created just the way you are created too. That’s it.

Or those who sell courses as the best, I always say to myself if the business is so good why are you selling a course? With your knowledge you shouldn't. Because they sell the courses as if they are going to earn millions by

hahaha you got them real good, many of them all they've to offer is those courses which literally as little value, most are just playing on our intelligent and acting like they're doing well, meaning it's the course they sell that aid that.

You have said it all bro, this is a very good summary from you

Thanks for the compliment, we should be careful.

It's very well deserved bro. Thank you too