
Hmm, I haven't played for like two days now too, wow, seems I got Brawls to play

Oh wow, you have neglected the game for a wile then

yeah, it's so sad to me but I am hoping I can catch up later after this headache

I hope your headache cures soon so you can. Maybe you should go to the hospital

what headache is this man talking about again lol

See this man oo, you were the one that said you have a headache

I hope the brawls time is available to catch up with

Oh yeah there's over 40 hours left for brawls

Oh then that's nice to know, I can leave it for tomorrow, but remember to give me a follow up when I don't play

Sure, I'll remind you

thanks buddy, let's freaking go harder on this threads

Haha can we go harder? You want to break threads again

Yeah, that is the aim, we surely should let it happen again

I'm waiting to fill my energy. Tomorrow I'm gonna play some battles. I hope for better chests, because lately they've been pretty bad

Oh that's fine then. My energy is at 33. Truthfully, the chests have been bad. I opened 14 chests 2 days ago and got only SPS and potions. The sps didn't even amount to 2 in total

These potions are something they should find a way to make more useful, or simply reduce the chance of winning them. They're only really useful for whales, who have the ability to buy lots of chests.

Indeed and the annoying thing is that they do not stay in your collection for long. Means you have to use them as soon as you get them

What's your rank actually and which mode are you playing?

I'm currently playing wild and in silver 3. I've run away from modern cos I was losing a lot of battles at the beginning of the new season

Yeah, Modern is really difficult, even after the rebellion launch and Untamed out of this mode. You can go easily to Diamond in Wild if you play like Silver 3 in Modern.

Yeah that is really true. I want to see how far I can go in the wild before the season ends. Are you playing modern or wild?

Both. Silver 2 in Modern and Gold 2 in Wild. I'm thinking of quitting modern, but sometimes I'm lucky enough to play against players who aren't so good and I manage to win a lot of battles in a row, earning a good amount in sps.

Oh wow, you're an experienced player then. How long have you been playing? Yeah I would not want to totally quit modern cos the SPS rewards are much better than the ones in wild.

I've been playing for at least two years. And yeah, the SPS gain is higher in Modern, but you won't have to spend as much on rentals in the Wild.

Good luck to you on your game :) Hope you get some cool or legendary stuff 😉

Thank you for your kind wishes. I was able to get only 1 chest before the day ended