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RE: Metaverse. Metaverse Metaverse? Metaverse!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I saw this article the other day about what the metaverse might look like. It was a group of people in a virtual office building staring at a whiteboard working for corporate America. That is fucking disgusting. Seriously. Barf.


I had not seen this but I could imagine it.

Is being jnder a VR a safe thing to be under over long periods of time? O wouldnt cound on it. But that is one agenda that is being pushed hard by big tech. How many will become addicted afrer 10-20 years i have no clue, but i find it a great way for mkultra experiments to continue using this VR as a means to exploit it for mass control over the masses.

Sublimal messaging does a major negative impact. But so too can it be used for good. For example uskng subliminal messaging using positive affirmations. But this is just my opinion. Well see what happens when the sands of time keep dropping.