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RE: The reverse effect of Elon Musk's voice.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Those are normal level of fluctuations. Market is essentially a psychological influenced frenzy, but it would require more than just some rich mans bad mouth to make a coin crash. now if was more like 100% on the negative side or more, than I would recommend reconsidering investing into something that doesn't require the belief of others for your potential profits to be... well profitable.

Like being self sufficient for example. how many here have a vegetable garden? No matter what coin goes down, people still got to eat and the last I checked, food id always in trending unless your fasting. but how many fast in huge masses? oh... Muslims. but thats the time to grow and reap, process, shop food etc. even if CULTure has forced people into strange habits that reflects the market in various ways, people will find or have found out to turn a bad season around to be profitable in other aspects.

oh no the entire crop has gone stale! lets just throw it all away.


could make soil with all that.

moral of the story here in one word


what to do with them?


The main point of the post is to show that not even Musk has as much power as many people think.