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RE: Digging The Sand

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Thanks bro for sharing this useful information, I don't agree with you please don't mind but I don't think every project in which binance going to invest is a good project or worth investing

I think we should not really only on binance we can use all other tools to find a good project it's take time and effort


sure, not all bianance project is a good investment, this is why it is necessary to do your own research too. My job is to bring you the information, whatever you do with information depends on you. this is just a tool, one of the tools.

I feel you you don't like my comment

Brother I really appreciate it or respect your opinion, I also started it from thanks, but I just try to ad more into it, I hope you don't feel bad for it

I like your comment, don't take it the wrong way. I love how you share your opinions, i was just trying to make you understand that my posts are not financial advises, just presenting some tools you can use in your crypto journey. Dont feel bad to tell me how you feel about my post, I will clarify just incase there is some misunderstanding

Love to read this, thank you much for understanding and keep it simple