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RE: How I Use My Credit Cards

in LeoFinance3 years ago

What a fantastic vote of confidence to be assigned that at 14!

I was just reading one of those centralized social media memes asking everyone to say one thing they would like to see taught in school that it not. This is it! Budgeting!

Fantastic advice as so many people appear to be rich but are just broke at a higher level. Credit IS there for you to leverage but you will mortgage your future if you don't have both hands on the wheel today.

Love it! I think I may ReHive this.


Indeed, the event really taught me a lot. Budgeting is important. I also believe that it needs to be taught in school so they would know the importance of money :)

This is true Fantastic advice as so many people appear to be rich but are just broke at a higher level. Thank you for reading my story :)