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RE: Be Kind Anyway (or Carry On, Rednecks!)

in FreeSpeech3 years ago

I read about this nonsense and it’s sad. I’m looking forward to when we can get out of the area we are in. Our immediate neighbors are good people but there’s so much hate and negativity around it’s depressing. People fighting their neighbors just because they are unhappy with themselves. The sad part is they ruin it for so many others. What many don’t realize is that without the true friendly people, workers, farmers and all those deplorable’s the country and world are nothing.


Bless your heart! I see you are in Boston. I spent 6 years in Chicago (real culture shock for a girl who grew up in woods and cornfields and church)--Evanston, actually (hubby got Ph.D. in engineering from Northwestern after we graduated from Purdue.) That was the first time I realized there were actual communists living in America (in Evanston--some even in churches.) NC was decent until we became a battleground state and the carpetbaggers set out to destroy us. Unless we can impeach Gov. Cooper, the carpetbaggers will win.