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RE: A Cautious Librarian on Preserving Information

in FreeSpeech3 years ago

hello Fiberfrau, there's hive book club if you want to talk in depth about preserving books. You are also welcome to write reviews about the book you've read or share your reading plan. I implied you read libertarian and conservative books. I wonder, have you read The Road to Serfdom? it's currently on my january reading list but I'd like to know if it's any good as I have been recommended to read that book quite often.


I have not read the entire book, but I know of Hayek and have read essays/articles of his. I am a fan of Austrian economics, Patrick Henry, Tom Wolfe, Ayn Rand, St. Paul, the Bard, Mark Twain, Tolkien.........any of the good stuff.

I am starting to delve into Austrian economics these days hence why I pick up Hayek. I have read a lot of Ayn Rand essays and she is one of my inspiration.

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