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in FreeSpeech4 years ago

Ah I see. Problematic as in requires attention. Meaning that currently an idea is spreading that 'ugly people deserve to suffer'. The attention to be to see if it evolves into folks taking action. Causing loss/suffering of another is a violation of natural law. In fact it should be the only 'Crime' possible.

So it would only be 'problematic' if the 'idea' was spreading, but not a 'crime' unless they caused loss to another.


What action do you believe is appropriate to mitigate the spread and potential harm of "problematic" and or "dangerous" words and or ideas?

There isn't any action that would be appropriate. Only to 'watch' closely. If it were my farm, I would employ segregation if observation was showing that the problem evolved into causing 'harm'. You know, that 'evil' word, segregation. The one that makes people all scared and racey? Yep that one. Kinda like my garden, when I accidentally put plants together that shouldn't be. I have to, segregate them.

But if it were not my farm, there is nothing I could do other than spread my opinion/propaganda.

I guess, that the super majority anarchist non-government, would do whatever was most popular, and BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER!

Do you have any opinion on the Uyghur segregation (re-education)?

Uyghur segregation

Another 'tragic in my mind' example of an intentionally dysgenic supermajority population repressing that which they cannot comprehend or fathom. Now, segregation does not seem to be employed. I have not studied the situation that far in this particular example, but any time a group is FORCED to "re-educate", they are not being 'segregated' or 'separated'. They are being force assimilated or eradicated. The CCP does not allow separation or segregation. "Resistance is Futile". Only a new STATE, of MIND sweeping through, will provide any hope. A sad situation for the Uyghur or anyone who is Communist Purged...

Only a new STATE, of MIND sweeping through, will provide any hope.

Ok, that makes sense.

Let them vote to secede.

Let them vote to secede.

Ok let me try it another way....

Let them just SECEDE anyways.
If you 'Vote' to 'Leave', you are 'SUBJECT' and 'CONSENTING' to stay. How folks can't 'see' what I just said is tantamount to the programming directed at not allowing them to do so.

What formal notification of secession would you prefer?

Simply refuse to acknowledge the central authority?

Wouldn't that naturally invite armed conflict?

I long for a world when the inside ugliness becomes 'visible' to all, instead of just a few.

Phenomenal example.

These should be required viewing in schools.

Or at least in the public domain, freely distributed to all.

Indeed. This show was a fine example of the Mason's views concerning the path to ORDER. and I cannot disagree with their teachings in that regard. Very valuable lessons to be learned as you said, which today are only figments of a 'distant' past. The vision did not play out as Twilight Zone had hoped....It's warnings wen't completely overlooked, and the result is what we see before us.

Now we have CHAOS.
However, maybe, it is the same gang up to it after all, or at least that gang's SUBVERTERS!

Ordo ab Chao, anyone?