Choosing, To See This As A Wonderful Opportunity, In Which We Get To Reach Our Full Potential!

Yesterday I attended a gathering with some members of the collective that I am a part of. We have been looking at ways in which to become more active. It is all to easy to get swallowed up in meetings, which so often result in wonderful ideas, but then lack the enthusiasm from the members to get things done.


So yesterday after a short check in round and the opportunity for each person to share what was most relevant for them right now, we broke into four groups, groups that we could move between, whenever we felt the need to. At the moment we are working on a rapid response team and needed to iron out a few issues.

Next we talked bout health and the need to educate ourselves more, so that we can actually take more control over our well being. how exactly we are going to meet those needs, well that will mostly be from skill sharing and workshops that we will arrange for the community.

The world as we know it, is changing at such a rapid speed right now, or so it would seem. But actually, this one world government is nothing new, it has been in play for quite some time, it's just usually, not so obvious (although some still don't see it that way). I often think about the world that we will be leaving for our children, if things continue to go as they are.

When all of the power, lies in the hands of the few!

I was eager to talk about, how we as parents, can support one another as we help to guide our children through these challenging times. Recently in Ireland they lifted almost all of the restrictions, with many people celebrating. The one thing they didn't lift was the mask mandates for children in schools. The teachers don't have to wear one, as it interferes with their teaching.

So what is this telling our children. My girls don't go to school, but they are aware of these mandates and I think it really paints a picture on how little rights they have in this day and age!

It's hard, not to get overwhelmed, by the effects, both short and long term, that this is having on them. But being in that state does nothing to help. What we need to be doing is focusing on the reality of the situation, and to me, the reality is that we are being forced to make some choices right now.

Choices, that will ultimately empower us, so that we can finally break out of these mental constraints that surround us. So we can rise up and meet the challenge, upskill ourselves, heal ourselves and discover what it means, to reach our true potential in life.

There is so much propaganda being pumped out right now, so much fear porn, from all sides. No matter what your beliefs are right now, we are all being bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information that can leave one feeling completely overwhelmed and fearful for what possibly lies ahead. Leaving us, feeling utterly hopeless.

All of these emotions, can be so debilitating and dis-empowering.

We get to choose where our energy flows, we can become overwhelmed or we can become more proactive and recognize this for what it is, a wonderful opportunity in which we can finally explore our true potential. To really see what we are capable of, because we are so much more, that what we have been led to believe!






I'm so damn fearful and curious about tomorrow, and this isn't because of anything else but the present situations of the world. What lies ahead is very challenging, and its forcing us to take decisions. We live in a world where power lies only with the government people, and they're doing everything in their best to take the future away from the powerless.
In my country, our government are trying hard to ensure the youths ain't free from the shackles of struggles and unfulfilled lives our parents have experience. We pray we overcome these trials and tribulations.

I hear you @hepziba, it is easy to feel helpless. But our focus should be on what we can do to bring about change, in whatever shape that may be, because once we do it, it then plants a seed. Wishing you all the best and manifesting peaceful times ahead for us all xxx


Amen! If anything is to be learned from this is that we must NEVER back down for an instant. These psychopaths will take and take and take forever. Good for you on raising strong, independent children. I haven't watched t.v. since 1990, but I can STILL feel the pressure to get the experimental gene therapy.

God bless and be well! We are all here for a reason. My hope is more will wake up and will want to do something about this massive push towards a technocratic dictatorship.

Yes we are all here for a reason, time for everyone to tune into that and play their part. Thanks @yoginiofoz xxxx

We get to choose where our energy flows, we can become overwhelmed or we can become more proactive and recognize this for what it is, a wonderful opportunity in which we can finally explore our true potential. To really see what we are capable of, because we are so much more, that what we have been led to believe!

That, exactly.

Keep doing you, amiga and I'll keep doing me ;<)


Always Vincent, the best we can be xxxx