Psyber-X: Another New Map!

in Psyber-X Communitylast year
Authored by @bobthebuilder2

The Multiplayer version of Psyber-X has only been out for less than 40 days and we've just released another map...Team Death Match a second version:

There are all kinds of places to hide, leave claymores or throw in grenades:


This is not your ordinary web3, pixelated game where you just click and wait for 4 hours...


There are even tunnels to infiltrate enemy lines:


Time to get in and play...

Don't forget to pick up a Psybercrate at or pick up some LVL before it's to scarce to get 200K at these prices:

Are You Ready to Play?

If you're ready to play Psyber-X, there are 3 passes that will allow you that privilege currently. They are the Bronze, Silver, and Gold passes. With the help of @psyber-sects, you can use $Hive to buy 2 of the 3 passes (Gold and Silver). See the details about using $HIVE HERE


The Bronze pass is 1.5 avax to mint. It comes with a Legendary weapon and access to the pre-alpha/Alpha. There are a limited number of these passes, but this is a guaranteed way to get a Legendary NFT. @bobthebuilder2 bought one just for the weapon.


The Silver pass is 0.05 Eth and comes with 10 Psybercrates (During the current sale: $50 value), 2 Legendary Weapons (value depends on market), 1 Character (value depends on market), and access to play the pre-alpha/Alpha.


The Gold pass is 0.3 Eth and comes with 100 Psybercrates (During the current sale: $500 value), 1 Character, 3 Weapons, and access to play the pre-alpha/Alpha and recognition as a Founder.

Once purchased, notify us on Discord and we'll give you the instructions on how to download and play Psyber-X. We look forward to playing with you! If you are not able to buy any of the passes, LVL is available on the Hive Engine and in both the LVL:Swap.Eth and LVL:Swap.Hive Liquidity Pools.

Find NFTs and Psybercrates at the Psyber-X Marketplace.

The price is temporarily reduced from $20 USD equiv to $5 USD equiv.

See details here.

Notable Posts:


Financial Links

Buying Level 1 (LVL)


Hive Engine

Buying NFTs

Psyber-X Marketplace

Myria Passes

Silver Pass
Gold Pass

Avax Passes

Bronze Pass


Psyber-Decks is a mini-game being developed to use Psyber-X NFTs. If you'd like to be able to play the game before anyone else, you simply need to buy 2 Psybercrates at for the Alpha testing access.

Social Links

Psyber-X on Pimp Media

PsyberX on 1UP Zone

Hive account @psyberx

Twitter account psyberxofficial

Official Psyber X Discord Chat

Official Youtube account Psyber X

Official Facebook page Psyber X

Our Instagram account PsyberXofficial

The official Psyber X TikTok

Telegram Chat Invite

The Gaming Studio Royal Reptile Twitter

NftShowroom Psyber X Collection

Psyber X Blog on Reddit

Official 3Speak PsyberX Account

Whatsapp Chat Invite

Line App Chat Invite

image.png Cast.Garden Channel (Think Hive YouTube)

*There is nothing in this post that should be construed as financial advice. If you are looking for financial advice from a blog post, you're looking the wrong place. Talk to someone who has a fiduciary responsibility to look out for you if that's what you're looking for. Be responsible!


Watching all these maps come out for the main Psyber-X game is neat.

Hours of work being put in daily and it's starting to show. Keep at it man!

Buying more crates! Sweet prices ;-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


great job!

@tipu curate

looking good

Congratulations, @imno You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINEX With @psyberx.
You Earned 0.300 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/4 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.150

Swap Your Hive <=> Swap.Hive With Industry Lowest Fee (0.1%) : Click This Link
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Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @prinzvalium

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Awesome! 😍

Any way to buy either using HBD, or LVL?

Yes. Crates can be bought with both and passes can be bought with either if you work with @psyber-sects to accommodate the purchase.

It is good to see that some ass is being kicked !PIMP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @operahoser

remaining commands 13


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

You must be killin' it out here!
@operahoser just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @psyberx.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Outstanding job King @psyberx, operahoser(2/15) is grateful for the care and attention you put into crafting this post. Your efforts are truly valued.

you rock! and @operahoser knows it, that's why he sent you this gift of 50.0 EXP to remind you how great you are.

BTW! EXP! is the token that will unlock the full experience of our games and give you access to all the rewards


You have received a 1UP from @bitcoinflood!

The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
@oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @pimp-curator, @thg-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @neoxag-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕.

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.