Be careful who you see as a teacher....

in Funny4 years ago

And this person teaches?

Yes, seriously.

Trying to impart knowledge when you have so very little of it yourself, is bordering of psychological abuse if you ask me.

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I had to tag this under funny, because of the insanity levels..


Maths is fucking offensive - it's high time maths was banned...

..and physics. (possibly chemistry to).

That would show the capitalist pigs...something....

New something was dodgy with math when I was in school 🤣

I'm not a fan of all the canceling STEM bs, but she is right, from a mathematic stand point 2 + 2 = 4 is more of a cultural convention than a hard truth.

outside of theoretical/quantm theory - i.e for 999999.99999% of use for human bings - it is true.
You give me two dollars, I'll put two into the pot as well- if adds up to four, I'll take it - any other result, it's all yours.
Which culture ?
Indian ?
East asian?

A 'cultural convention' that transcends many different cultures, cannot be a cultural convention.

Funnily enough Arabic Culture. In Binary Code 1 + 1 = 10 and you could easily see a world where we adopt a number system based on dozens since a lot of our time measurement works in dozens.

duodecimal number bases (base 12) are older than most other systems...and personally, I think the optimal/natural numeric system.... and yet 2 + 2 still equals 4 ...?

Well, it is some time ago that I learned how to "create" the natural numbers but 2+2=4 should be a one line proof out of the axioms for natural numbers. BUT I would claim that those Axioms are closer to being an convention than a truth.

And 4(base 10) = 4(base 12) is more of a coincidental truth than an inherent one.

To the original point. I think it makes sense to even question the most basic truths, but you should always keep in mind that there is most likely a good reason it is a basic truth and that there are often whole Systems build around them.

Reality ( for all intents and purposes).

the crowd has a lot to learn about being useful idiots. Lenin and Trotsky knew they had to educate the masses in order to create an intellectual revolution, not only an armed revolution. They imported books and wrote newspapers and tried to educate people for their cause.

Enter postmodernism in the 50/60's, and this discussion. It is about twisting reality.
It is political, not math. (the insanity called communism then then look sane)

Question everything when your foundations are first based in 'reality'.
The reality is that 2+2 = 4.

The rest are intellectual exercises. (to be encouraged, once you know what's real)

You only have to see the brain dead zombies of BL and antifa to see the end results of post modernistic thinking being the foundational educational points.
(common core, etc.)

I don't support BLM or antifa but if she wants a revolution saying she wants 2+2 to not equal 4 anymore is actually a good metaphor. Changing our notation system to a binary or duodecimal one would also be a revolution.

I am indifferent towards the protests.

I am somewhat of an Anarcho-Leftie so I wouldn't mind seeing a violent uprising to create an Anarcho-Communist Utopia (in the USA of all places, lol ). On the other hand I am somewhat of a Libertarian so I would gun them down if they touch my property or threaten me or my loved ones.