WHO Coronavirus PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA.

in Funny4 years ago

WHO Con-ora avirus PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Test Primer Sequence is found in All Human DNA!!!


Research into the NCBI database for nucleotide sequences has lead to this stunning discovery.
....that one of the WHO primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is found in all human DNA!

People - who’s language does not consist of ‘Baaah, Baaah’, and ‘thaaank youuuuuu sirrrrr’ -have dis-covered that the World Harm Organization ( WHO) have included in their testing kits for con-ora virus, a marker that is present is all human DNA.


When asked about this startling discovery, the WHO responded with the following statement.

“Our extensive research, thanks to the Gates foundation, has found that by including this specific nu-cleotide sequence into the testing parameters, more people will have the infection. And that’s good thing.

"By having more people that are stupid enough to get tested in the first place, test positive, it will mean that we can then identify quickly the people that Bill Gates really wants to extinguish. (or, ‘dis-enfranchise the inefficient calorie consumer units’. )."

They went on...

"If we are are going to have a world population of only 500 million people - as recommended by The Gates Foundation, then eliminating inefficiencies in calorie consumption is going to be a vital component of that".

The spokesman from the World Harm Organization then introduced an expert to explain what this would mean, going forwards.


He said,
"Our ‘Calories Undesired to Living for Long’ program (or C.U.L.L) will ensure that anyone not needing extra calories, will not receive them."

He went on..
"Mr Gates, our magnificent benefactor, has assured us that the computer algorithms built my Microsoft, will ensure that the calorie re-distribution will be both equitable and diverse."

When we interviewed Bill Gates about this program, he went into more detail about the idea behind the C.U.L.L., initiative, and his and G.O.D algorithms.

“It’s quite obvious to anyone that has no medical training and megalomaniac ambitions, that depopulation through saving lives with vaccines is the next logical step.
After assimilating the data that we receive through the nano technology delivered during the vaccination program, we will have a place to start taking on the role of G.O.D (Gates Only Decides)._"


He pointed out:
"The algorithms are not sexist racist or homophobic. Even my wife would fare well in this system.
What it does do is reduce the un-needed calories being delivered to specific individuals based on the 'wasted energy' algorithm.
Did you know that your brain takes around 20% of your daily energy intake?
Our studies have shown that the lower the IQ, the less calories are needed to use it.
Basically, the dumber you are, the more valuable you are in a functioning society according to the G.O.D. algorithm.
If you go and get tested for con-ora virus, it already shows us that you are a perfect candidate for this new program.
When you have Microsoft to do everything for you, thinking too much for yourself, is just a waste of energy, and, to be honest, it is pretty selfish"

We asked to look at the algorithmic code, but were told that it's updating at the moment with service pack 2, and will be available for viewing sometime over the next 32 years, when this small update has been completed.


You are a nut. A funny nut but a nut none the less. (I know, I know...I keep telling you that, lol)

thanks. again.