One of many moments at home

Water mongoose family.jpg

Having been privaledged to work as a nature conservationist, I have probably had more close encounters of the nature kind than many people. The experiences that I had and the moments that I lived through have all edged me this way and that into who I am today and how I view the world.

I am grateful for all of those moments although some shine through to me where it wasn't me and was just nature. I was part and parcel of it, the energy that flowed through the moving water was the same energy that flowed through me. It is perhaps a difficult thing to comprehend if you haven't experienced it before.

This particular day didn't start any differently than countless others, however I do remember feeling rather light and breezy that morning, perhaps that was what convinced me to take a walk through the reserve when I did. I used to take walks alone regularly as it is a different experience to walking with others. My senses would become heightened, my awareness keen. This particular day I was fortunate to encounter a mommy water mongoose quickly ushering her two cubs down the pathway ahead of me. These creatures are very secretive and are very seldom seen. They are predominantly nocturnal so seeing them during the day with cubs was such a treat. They didn't make a sound as they left and I stopped walking to let them get a safe distance ahead as I don't believe in chasing animals for photos. This was the photo that I was given that day.

A similar encounter happened a few weeks after I had just started working at the reserve, this one there is no photo but deserves a mention as it was also a water mongoose encounter. These animals don't like people, they keep a very low profile and even though they are bigger than their cousins the small grey mongoose, they are far more timid and far less likely to be encountered as they tend to steer clear of humans. Small grey mongoose are cheeky little buggers and are far more inclined to be seen around; bin scavenging for a tasty morsel whereas water mongoose wouldn't be seen dead doing the same

This particular happening was so bizarre for me and only ever happened once. I was walking silently and had just entered the reserve path. I could hear rustling noises in the reeds on the right hand side. Most of the time when you hear this it's something far smaller than the noise would have you believe - like a warbler bird looking for grubs or a little vlei rat. I didn't pay much attention to it as I assumed what would be the case. Assumption always tends to want to prove me wrong.

To my great surprise a sizeable male water mongoose came waltzing straight out of the reedbed half a meter ahead of me. I was startled and froze in place. He didn't seem surprised at all and was clearly aware of me because he proceeded to lecture me in water mongoose lingo while locking eyes with me (it is the WEIRDEST sound when these creatures "talk"). They always sound really nasal. He just casually looked at me while condescendingly giving me a piece of his mind and then he sauntered off across the pathway and disappeared into the reeds on the other side. The scolding continued for some time. I kinda just stood there and then let out a little chuckle before proceeding with the rest of my walk. The remainder of the day was non-eventful but I will forever remember this "grandad mongoose" telling me off for walking on HIS path. Cute fella.

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”

~ Gary Snyder

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Nature is the best place to live, all life is there! ;)

That's it, exactly!

Hope you have had a lovely weekend @opick 🙂

Yes, I think this is a very good life experience, Thank you friend! :)

Mongoose are definitely little characters, miss having them around with too many resident humans of late. Banded mongoose in iSimangoliso Wetlands park not shy at all, know how to take food along with the Samango monkey and Vervets in the region. Lovely memory of home @andrastia


Hi Joan. Thanks for stopping by.

They really are cute little things, the Banded Mongoose sounds similar to the Small Grey. I'd happily let a mongoose steal my food rather than a vervet (or a freaking baboon) lol.

Hope you have had a wonderful weekend.

So looking forward getting into the bush possibly end May early June to visit wildlife and be in nature for a week again.


Enjoying themselves, my sister-in-law became frantic with them coming up close 😂

Keep smiling and have a great day!

Awww they are so freaking awesome. I'd have a family of these little guys if I could!

Really are gorgeous these were up at St Lucia, have similar down our way on the South Coast, sad their habitat is fast disappearing!

How privileged are you @andrastia to have spent such valuable time in nature and even more so the amazing encounter with 'grandad mongoose.' I don't think anything is by chance. 🙏

Hi Angie

Oh absolutely, I am very grateful that I got in the time that I did. Would do it again in a heartbeat if I had the chance. Grandad mongoose was so cool. It really did feel like I was just another one of the animals there and I had stepped out of place so I got a talking to from an elder. It's nice to look back on the memories so fondly.

Thanks for the lovely message. Have a great day

You have a very interesting job, not all of us are ready for that. hahaha.
The experience with the mongoose should be like that...after a good scare, a good taste, the taste of enjoying your presence and listening to the scolding.

Hi Lis

When you work where I work, you are less afraid of the animals than the gangsters across from the nature reserve. Mongoose and hippo have more mercy on people than those guys do. I was quite happy to take my chances with the wildlife 😁

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