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RE: In the bath with me

Hi Becca. I so enjoyed this because although I don't have nearly the same verbage for it, I totally understand the feelings and effects!!!

I'm glad you don't feel guilty about it too, I generally don't unless there's a work backlog I'm supposed to be working through, then I do.

Ps I also sometimes reheat it with a top up

Thanks for taking part, I so enjoy your writing. Have a lovely weekend 🛀


There's times I don't add more hot water, but only when I'm a little pushed for time; otherwise, I add more hot water at least once during the bath...maybe at least twice. 😉

I get the impression you've had your share of luxurious bath sessions like mine. Life is too short not to right?

Becca 💗

Indeed, life is too short to not spoil yourself every now and again and baths, well they're an easy and most pleasurable option.