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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 60: Pink, purple and green

My loves excuse me but last night I was without electricity and then came but without internet, so I had not made the translation now I solve, also I rexcuso me for the mess as I said I am new to the platform and quite novice duplicate the publication I hope I understand I will try to learn fast, kisses.


You're doing great, doing the best you can and that's why I suggested a way you can engage better with English users. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for the words of encouragement, that encourages me to continue and give my best effort.

Can't help it. I just can't. Can not.


Still got the post it note I see. ✅

Brother I can't take it down are you kidding me?! I look at that thing regularly, can't believe the glue is till holding.

I can imagine those guys from American Pickers coming over to your place in 70 years and frothing over the post it note from all those years ago. I wonder how much they'll offer for it.