This is How People See My Appearance

There is no perfect creature, because the perfect belongs to the Creator.

Hi Weekend Experiences community, happy weekend back to all of you, I hope you all can carry out your activities as usual and certainly don't forget to be happy to have a beautiful weekend with your family and partner. I am very happy to be able to share a few simple writings from my articles, write and arrange sentences into one article that is worth reading even though it has not yet reached perfection. All the specified themes are very interesting to discuss, but my choice is about "How do people see you?".

This is me.jpg

The physique and character of a person becomes a core thing when people judge us, the first time we shake hands and also see it from the face. Next we will be judged on the way of speaking and the politeness of the language we use when we talk to the other person. What do people see when they look at me? This question is answered when I look at myself in the mirror or camera, of course we use mirrors and cameras every day, because that is clearly how our physical form looks, so that everyone assumes that our physique is what is seen in the mirror or camera. Well, perfect according to us but not necessarily perfect in the eyes of others.

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In my opinion, when people see my physique, they must think I'm handsome, sweet and youthful, this you can really see in my photos, lol. I definitely won't reject their opinion, because I've heard people say that firsthand, including my girlfriend too. The part that my lover likes the most is my lips, my lover says my lips are sexy, I think this is very reasonable because lips are the most influential physical member of the face. Not only my girlfriend, my friends used to say that, therefore I think that the part of my body they like the most is my lips.

Well, the part of my body that they don't like, I think is my body size that is not too tall. They do not know that short people are people who are ageless and sweet of course. They feel that being short is a barrier for me not to be confident, that's wrong, my physique that they don't like is a good thing for me because I don't feel heavy and can do any activity well without long legs though.Currently my height reaches 165 cm, in my country, namely Indonesia, this height is standard.

Well, the conclusion is that no one is perfect, but behind the imperfection of that person, there are several advantages that people don't have in it. I think some of you must have experienced something like me, I'm curious that your weekend will all be much better than my weekend story. Thank you for those of you who have visited my blog, I hope you like it, greetings @arasiko.

All pictures are my own




The original #weekend-engagement concept by @galenkp featured in the

Image belongs to @galenkp

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