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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 58: Breakfast foods

"Boerewors" on home made bread, translated to English means "Farmers sausage" with fried onion and tomato with a good few chilies on home made bread, That was my breakfast this morning with a mug of hot Jacobs coffee. I wish I'd had a tot of vodka or a dash of whiskey to have put in there, after this week of total mayhem, but alas, the bottle stores have been looted, before that, they were closed because of lock down. Crazy world we live in, have a crazy awesome day and enjoy every moment of it, no one knows what tomorrow will bring, love and hugs to you all.


God bless South Africa.

I'd have to question anything that has "farmers sausage" in air quotes.

Thank you @dandays, it does sound a bit wired, Lol, but then it's what's going through one's mind and how one perceives it. "Boerewors"
Have a great day and stay safe.

This looks like a tasty breakfast. I'm familiar with boerewors as we get it here. Tasty, and your way of eating it here looks good!

Thanks for getting involved and I hope in the coming days things return to better than normal.

Thank you @galenkp so do I . Go well and stay safe.