Obsessions of the past and the future or timeless? (WEEK 191)

"Only that which is irrational - that which is unanalysable by the senses, but which has sensible qualities - can be obsessive".



Many times at first glance, on weekends, a theme calls me out of all the excellent ones proposed by Galen, and then another theme goes round in my head, as if telling me, you were wrong, better talk about me, you have something to say.

I spent more than a day with the question in my head: What is it that obsesses me, what was before and what is now, or some obsession I had before that still remains.

So a few minutes before I started writing I drastically changed my perspective, because I think there is something that needs to come out.

A great obsession from the past, which tormented me for many years, and which comes from my childhood, is the shortages, the lack of what is necessary to live, the lack of food, above all.

When you go through that situation as a child, it is a deep mark that is very difficult to remove. You grow up with that constant worry that you won't have anything, that you won't have anything in the future.

My childhood and adolescence have been very complicated, an extreme economic situation and I grew up with this obsession to never lack and to make an effort to make sure that it would be so. So much so that I often forgot to live.

Seeing my family suffer, my mother and grandmother desperate to feed my brother and me, is something you never forget.

My great obsession was always to have a stash of money, a savings... just in case. It was a mark that was deeply left on me by that past.

I could not understand that money is energy and that it should circulate, that having it saved does not generate anything. .... Until I was finally able to understand it.

Now I ask myself what my present obsession is. Maybe that my family is well, my health, for example, and I know that this obsession comes from my mother's breast, I was born with this concern, because my mother was afraid that I wouldn't be born or that I would be born sick, as she had lost a baby before me.

These are things that mark people from the moment they are born and it's called a sense project.

Another obsession is my cats, I love them and I am always attentive to them, always. They are my children. They give me incomparable energy. I always say they are magic.

Those who don't have cats can't understand it, but those who do have them know it perfectly well.

Of course, this obsession can be applied to any pet, but for me, my cats are more than pets, they are my family. They have their own personality, each one different from the other.

I am obsessed that they are well, healthy. Of course I know they don't live like a human. I have lost several cat children before and it is an immense pain. I know what it feels like.

The way I feel about them includes always giving them lots of love, spoiling them, pampering them and they give me so much that it would be impossible to describe. What they give me far outweighs the pain felt when they leave. That's why I would have cats all my life, always.

They are special. I remember the first cat that was in my house when I was born, he slept under my cot, and he was already taking care of me when my mother was pregnant. I have always had a great connection with them and a huge obsession with them.

I always say, they only need to talk to be human. They take care of the spirit and heal the body. They are wonderful.


There must be more obsessions in my life, but these two are the ones on my mind at the moment.

Thank you so much @galenkp for these topics that make us reflect, think and express ourselves.

Thanks for joining me here, best regards to all and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator Deepl.com free version.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


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Thank you!!

Ellos tambien son mi obsesión.. necesito muchos mas ajja

I can't pro have too many more!!!😍

Hi @avdesig, thanks for sharing your obsessions, always so brave. I really liked the quote, the first photo spectacular, as if the cat inhabited between two worlds. I, secretly I'm going to share two of my obsessions with you, and silence, don't say anything. It's Saturday and I'm going to listen 🦩💃. Another obsession is your designs 🤩. Good afternoon

is that they do indeed inhabit two worlds... hahaha that's why I love them! I look like them.

Flamenco? hahaha Well I don't like it but if you like it great! hahaha thanks for the designs!

I'll be out in a while! Have a good evening!

These little animals are our faithful companions, how not to love them, although sometimes they are too silly hahaha, happy weekend friend.

I love them!!! They are so beautiful and smart! Thank you @ikigaidesign 😀

I know what it feels like to have nothing, especially when you are a child, that marks you forever, it is my obsession today, that I never lack money to feed my family.

How great that you have a connection with cats since before you were born, they are very intuitive animals, they know who to approach and who not to.

I loved that you let us know your obsessions and why. dear friend @avdesing, have a wonderful afternoon

If that marks you in life these things .... and my connection with cats I love it! Thanks to you @jlufer 😃

Greetings friend. I am also involved many times by that obsessive concern of wanting to do everything right to feel safe and also for my family, I am always aware of everything, when something goes a little off track I usually worry a lot, it's like that fear of knowing what the future holds.

That's exactly what happens to me sometimes... thanks Anthony!🤗

I’m so sorry about all that happened in your childhood.
I also love cats, my cat is called Riley
They are really cute creatures.

We all go through things... it's already happened.

My cats Tony and Cata!! I adore you!!

Thank you!!😀

I think maybe I'm being repetitive in telling you that I really like what you write. We always have an obsession for something or someone. Today here there are shortages not to the extreme but I have to take care of my mother and my family and it is a priority, like an obsession. Your cats are beautiful. I understand you, as my daughter Mamani says, my dog Channel and my cat are my family. Thanks for sharing. Nice post.
Happy weekend. 🥰❤️

We always have that worry, that thing that upsets us a bit, the good thing is that it doesn't turn into something serious. I love my cats, I really adore them, they are my weakness! Thank you very much @mamani 🤗



que hermoso gatito sus ojos hipnotizan wooo los vez fijamente y parece un mini universo metido en sus ojitos

Cata? Ella me mira así, mi negrita especial! La adoro, es mi reina y Tony mi bebé eterno! Gracias Suge!😘

Amo los gatos y si son negros mejor.


Y yo! Mi gata negra se llama Cata! El gris Tony😍

Miau... My cat Yin always wants to be on top of me. I don't know if he wants to heal me on the inside, because what he is on the outside... he scratches me, he hurts me. If you see the scar I have left from his last scratch on my hand... now I have to get used to living with it.

As for the other... I understand perfectly.

I have scratches from my first cats imagine! Now these are calmer but Cata likes to give me little bites hahaha but she is gentle.
