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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 163

in Weekend Experiences • 10 months ago

I had to google what Nipple tweaker was and I laughed my ass off hahahaha.

Very good topic!!! Do you think I will write about it? No hahahahahaha I don't need to 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'd better keep quiet about it.

I have a hard time choosing, you always do the same thing to me... hahaha I like the picnic theme and the parents .... what do I do? hahaha

But I'll definitely be there tomorrow. What great topics, thank you so much Galen!!!

 10 months ago  

What, you didn't know what a nipple tweaker was? Are you just messing with me? Lol.

A couple of posts have come in on the topic and I'm glad, people just having fun...there's nothing wrong with that.

I'm sure you'll come up with something, you always do. Have a good weekend, I'll look out for your post.

No, I didn't know, really🤣

But I know, I always learn something, I did not know about that term or how it was called hahahaha I did not know it was called that way.

Yes, I already have my theme and I found allusive pictures.

You made me laugh!😂

 10 months ago  

Now you know...and can explore the world of tweaking. 🤣

I'll keep that in mind, no doubt about it!🤣😂