I Woke Up Saturday Morning And… Oh, Geez.

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago (edited)


I don't know about you but being sick has never been my favorite part of the day. It is so annoying that I could have done some crazy things to it if it were a person, only that I am the person, get it?

Truly, I have met with people who take sickness as leverage to whatever, I don't know what runs in their minds. You can't understand people you know and my quote for now is;

"Don't try at all."

Ps:You need to say it quietly for it to make sense. Like bringing out your tongue in the process kind of stuff.

Well, I got to confess, I barely know what goes on in mine sometimes. See?

I woke up this Saturday morning and I was left not speechless by what my body brought up. Yeah, headache and cold but my body's temperature was hot and I almost cussed. If you have been in my shoes since the beginning of this year, you'd scream at me to cuss like I found the word. But I didn't, did I?

But, I didn't let that stop me from cooking and doing other house chores except taking my bath, which I couldn't dare do. And, you should have seen how I wrapped myself up like a hotly made ready-to-eat Shawarma only that… I decided to eat Pringles and some chocolate biscuits I bought at the supermarket.

I decided to dedicate my Saturday to watching a Korean series after staying far away from the movie land for some months due to intense heart-cussing (don't search the word up) sickness.

So, I woke up today to something not planned out, but that's alright. Life is a bitch anyways (Don't tell it I said that) and it is known for being a drama queen and changing things for ya… Unexpectedly, how kind of life! I should as well bow to it, don't you think?

Well, I ended up eating some unknown food, missed a call from a friend, and came online to comment, reply to comments and find something to write on until my feet got me to @galenkp Weekend-Engagement prompt and I was like;

"How did he know I was going to say something about my Saturday? Is he some sort of mind reader? Like, a psychic to make the word more sophisticated."

But, I didn't answer my question though, I strengthened up my body and picked up my phone to have this post drafted tonight and that's all I can say.

I woke up this Saturday to something unusual but expected. There is not much complication to it. Anyways, I plan on watching the Korean series tonight despite the odds against me. All I need is to listen to a motivational speaker's speech and I will be good to go.

Image Used Is Mine.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


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Hey @balikis95, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Life is really capricious, one day you are fine and another day everything changes because of the dirty disease, it is not easy and it is painful to see so many people suffer because of health problems. Truly, if the disease were a person, it would have to be annihilated without mercy.

Haha... I love the word, *annihilation", it sits well with me. Hehe, and I do agree with you.

Thanks for stopping by. It is well appreciated !luv

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Hey friend, chocolate cures everything. And chocolate ice cream too... hahaha... don't let sickness stop you, go for it.

And that heart thing, I didn't get it. If the thing is about love... the world is full of people. Go for it too. hahaha

Hehe... You bet it does. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your presence here.

heheh, sorry about that dear, I hope you are feeling better now.
sorry I got to know about your health from #dreemport

Thank you. I sure am. I appreciate you.

Oh, I can totally relate! Being sick is like an unwanted guest that just never knows when to leave. 🤧 It's so frustrating that sometimes I've imagined giving it a piece of my mind if it were a person, but alas, I'm stuck being both the host and the guest. 🙄 And you're right, some people seem to use sickness as an excuse to play the "leverage" card – who knows what's going on in their heads, right? 🤷‍♀️ Your quote "Don't try at all" whispered with a quirky tongue gesture sounds like the perfect mantra for days like these.

Haha, your last statement got me, hehe.

Sickness is indeed a big pain but there's nothing we can do about it than the ones we've been doing.

Thanks for stopping by 🥰. Are you a #dreemer?

I'm glad my statement brought a smile to your face! You're right, dealing with sickness can be challenging.

Hehe, it sure can. Have an amazing day today. TGIF!

Hope you feel 100% soon (if not there already). Thanks for sharing your story of perseverance.

#dreemerforlife beemed down from #dreemport - to this #dreemer curated post :)

Yeah, I am better. Thanks for reading Dreemer ☺️.

Sorry about your health, I hope you are better now?

Thanks Sis and I am better now. I appreciate your presence here.

That's great😊

Sorry about the state of your health, trust you are getting better now.

One of the things I despise so much is sickness, it makes an individual look horrible and weak.


I sure am thank you. Sickness is the greatest bully of humans. Haha and it does it job well. Thanks for stopping by 🥰.

You are welcome sis


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