Weekend color

I won't go as far as saying I love the weekends more than the working week because I've had some incredible moments in the working week and always try and make the best of every day I'm given although the weekends provide something different, relaxation if I need it, time to be with my guy and the ability to decide what to do and when, if we decided to do anything at all.

This weekend has been one of those in which I've decided not to do anything much; my boy has had a lot going on and has been focused on that so I was left largely to myself which I didn't mind. I've been reading a book called The Coast Road, by Alan Murrin, drinking a lot of tea, spending time with my cat and sharing a few moments with my guy when I was able to pull him away from what he's been doing. Oh, I slept too, had some bubble baths, two so far with at least one more on the way, did a little yoga and some coloring also.

Becca MacFarlane.jpg

I took this image

Weekends like this are important for me as I need time to balance myself physically and emotionally and for me that means finding inner peace away from the disruptive noise of society and its complex set of problems. We love going out sometimes but the peace and quiet of our own home, the way it cocoons us away from the rest of the world and rejuvenates, is something we value so much. If I'm feeling colorless, I can always count on a weekend like this to bring the color back and that's what's happened so far.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗


I am happy for you that you have the color in your life. Sometimes life seems to go by so quickly for me anymore it all seems black and white if you know what I mean. However, this weekend was a good one. We had a holiday weekend here and enjoyed BBQ and fireworkds displays, relaxed and watched some of a netflix series called Chance.

I think I know what you mean Joe, life can seem that way at times and some have experiences that being it to pass more easily. There’s always color though, even if we have to look a bit harder for it.

I’m pleased that you had a good weekend and enjoyed a few things that made you happy.

Becca 🌷

Beautiful song I love Sia!!!!

Colour balances more if we paint it ourselves, it's great and those moments of relaxation and serenity are important to start the week with renewed energy. It is also being a quiet weekend for me and I am planning a walk with my cat in the evening, he and I love that. We enjoy each other very much!

Hugs Becca 💗

It’s quite nice isn’t it? I don’t like all of her songs but this one is one of my favorites.

Becca 🌷

And one of the ones I like is this one.💗

Since I mainly focus on stock trading, I actually like weekdays more than weekends now. Markets are closed on weekends so there's very little to do. I guess I can take a page out of your book and try to relax, and pamper myself.

Weekend is like a rest to most of us no. As we can do whatever we want during that time and of course some house chores, lol. And when everything's done, that's the only time we can rest. So you just had an amazing "me time" ha (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

I do chores on the weekend yes, however I try to do as much as possible during the week so I can save the weekends for fun things.

Becca 🌷

won't go as far as saying I love the weekends more than the working week

Come on. Seriously. Surely your're just being politically correct and trying not to disenfranchise the working week days! 🤔

It sounds like you've had a good weekend so far which is exctly what weekends are for.

Was my little white lie so easily seen through? Yes, I'll admit that weekends are far better than working week days. There, I said it, are you happy now? 🤨

Becca 🌷

Weekends always trump the weekdays in my book!!

I agree with you, I was trying to show a balanced and equitable approach. I should have known better. 🙃

Becca 🌷

Balanced is good... Most of the time 😀

I'm with you Boomy...weekends forever!