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RE: WE 115: My Immortal Weekend

Hmm... Those are some really interesting ideas for using immortality. I guess your idea of this gift is also being impervious to damage. As doing a lot of that requires only not being afraid of death, but not being stopped by injuries too.

If I could do this, I would surely jump down Santo Ángel. The world largest waterfall. I guess I'd try to do that a thing. So I would go to every waterfall and jump form there. I would also go barefoot in Australia. Since there's a ton of venomous animals there.


You're right it would be nice to be protected from damage as well, otherwise you would have to do some things that would for sure kill you haha

Worse, you wouldn't die and have to endure the pain! 😂

Does immortality come with pain resistance?


I hope so, otherwise I would be in a world of pain!

Barefoot on Australia, huh? Is the venom that bad that you can't walk without expecting to get poisoned there?


There's a lot of things that could bite you if you're walking barefoot in Australia.