WE 115: My Immortal Weekend

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Sorry I have been absent for almost a month! I was travelling and decided I did not want to be on my phone that much but instead really be present for my travels. Hope you are all well in the weekend community!

An Immortal Weekend

I loved the choices for this weekend, but the immortal one really spoke to me. I love doing adventurous things, but I can get a bit sketched out sometimes and then I don't do things. So what if I could take it to the extreme? Here are the three things I would do in that weekend:

  1. Climb without a rope

So I love climbing, especially outdoors as you can see in this picture of me:

But climbing is all about the head game, you need to be able to stay calm even when moves get a bit dicey and since a big fall 5 years ago I sometimes struggle with that. But in my immortal weekend that wouldn't be an issue at all! I would be able to try all the difficult routes, even without a rope. It must give a real sense of freedom!

2 Jump from a great height

I am petrified of flying and a bit hesitant when things get really high. My biggest fear would be to do a skydive or something like that. I am actually convinced that if I would do that I would probably have a heart attack that would kill me. The highest jump I ever made was 13 meters from a cliff into the sea, which you can see here:

That was quite a rush, but it took me a while to work up the courage to jump over the edge. Now if I were immortal I would make that big jump that I have been avoiding all my life. Maybe go for a skydive or I always think paragliding must be really beautiful as well.

3 Climb Mount Everest

I always wonder what it would be like to stand at the top of the world, the highest point. But I will never find out in my normal life because there is no way I would risk my life on a frozen, oxygen deprived summit. But hey, if I am immortal I would go for it. Granted, I would need to time this immortal weekend really well so I would be fit enough to actually go for it and the weather would have to be perfect, but hey a girl can dream right?

What things would you do if you were immortal for a weekend?


Makes me think of what I'll do if I was immortal for a weekend... It would depend on whether I'll feel the pain or not, because if there was no pain, I'll try a lot of things!

I won't try jumping from a high place or climb mountain Everest, but I'll probably try dealing with dangerous electronic, try a poisonous (but-delicious) meal or things like that... But if I would feel the pain, I don't think I'll use it. I watched enough ReZero to know immortality isn't always fun.



I'm on a seafood diet.
When I see food I eat it.

Credit: happyme
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Hmm... Those are some really interesting ideas for using immortality. I guess your idea of this gift is also being impervious to damage. As doing a lot of that requires only not being afraid of death, but not being stopped by injuries too.

If I could do this, I would surely jump down Santo Ángel. The world largest waterfall. I guess I'd try to do that a thing. So I would go to every waterfall and jump form there. I would also go barefoot in Australia. Since there's a ton of venomous animals there.

You're right it would be nice to be protected from damage as well, otherwise you would have to do some things that would for sure kill you haha

Worse, you wouldn't die and have to endure the pain! 😂

Does immortality come with pain resistance?


I hope so, otherwise I would be in a world of pain!

Barefoot on Australia, huh? Is the venom that bad that you can't walk without expecting to get poisoned there?


There's a lot of things that could bite you if you're walking barefoot in Australia.

You want to do all the things an adventurer does in the normal way, but without the risk of dying and maybe if that risk you won't enjoy it as much.

I dream of parachute flying with assistance of course, but I think exactly like you, that my heart won't resist it because there are details to it.

I remember I was paragliding for 45 minutes because the pilot couldn't land because of the wind, and I was vomiting all that time, in the end I ended up in a hospital dehydrated.

How nice it would be to live all those experiences in one weekend. You have some great pictures, great post @plint

Thanks so much! Yeah if we wouldn't have the fear of dying we might actually enjoys things a lot more!

Yes indeed! On second thoughts you are right

Jump from a greater height,wow that’s some scary move you wish to do😂😂.


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