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RE: Weekend-engagement week 15: Funny or interesting

Look! It's the shoes! WooHoo! Looks like you made a nice catch that saved some bun pain on that one...

I've broken in several pair of boots, too. I remember my first 'real' pair. Raichle Rotondo. They damn near killed me the first couple of times I wore them, but got so good I had them rebuilt twice.

I bought a pair of custom made work boots in about 1990. The guy that fitted them and made them told me on fitting day "I want you to wear these every day when you go to work. The first week I want you to put your old boots on at lunch time. The second week you can change as needed." Best boots ever.


Haha, indeed! I'm kind of used to fall and got some great reflections during the practice, lol!

A year or so ago I bought a pair of 'hiking shoes'. I really like them for trips out on the desert, I wear them every day. A friend and I decided to take Sam over 'Little Cross Mountain' one Sunday and I wore my shoes instead of boots. Sure enough, I found a little gravel when I stepped on to a rock and went flat on my butt. I probably learned a lesson about the difference between shoes and boots....

Haha, you learned the difference on the hard way! But at least now everything is clear lol

Yeah. A little pain is a really good teacher for me!