Weekend-engagement week 15: Funny or interesting

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Win hive for a comment? Yep, that's how the #weekend-engagement rolls! It's Friday y'all, and that means it's time to get engaged! For those who don't know me, I'm G-dog, there's me below, and I bid you welcome to this week's topic post!


That's how many comments have been placed on hive by you guys in the 14 weeks the #weekend-engagement topic posts have been running.

See it here. Thanks for doing that mate, it's greatly appreciated, and thanks also to all who have participated and made it a success week on week.I got that number from a post @cmplxty did on #weekend-engagement statistics.

Thank you legit dudes and dudette!A big thanks also to @bigtom13, @stevenwood, @abh12345, @tarazkp, @meesterboom and first-time sponsor @eveuncovered for their generosity this week - They have added hive to the prize pool I personally put up.

If you want to join the illustrious names who have sponsored just send the hive to my wallet with a memo note that it's for #weekend-engagement sponsorship.

[Image removed]

Week 15 topic

- Tell us something funny or interesting that happened to you, a family member or friend.
- Post a funny or interesting photo of yourself in the comments and tell us about it.

You can do one or the other, or both if you like.

It could be that time you walked into a plate glass window whilst checking out a hottie, or when you dropped tomato sauce on your tie right before an important client-meeting, or that time you went for a job interview only to be told by the woman interviewing you that your fly was down...All of which may or may not have happened to me. 😁

If you're wondering what that image above is, that's me trying on some armour at a manor house called Trerice, Cornwall UK. I had a different photo to share, but couldn't find the courage to do so...Maybe another time.

You don't have to write a lot, just get involved and comment on someone else's entry below as well. It's about engagement with other hivers and the benefit is relationship building and getting activity onto the blockchain.

This is your chance to show people your fun side and to kick off what could become valuable friendships here on hive so get involved. Also, share this post with others you feel could benefit from the engagement.

You'll have the chance to win some hive which I will transfer directly to the wallets a few of you...Last week 16 people walked away with some hive, so you'll have a good chance of getting some.

You'll have until midnight Sunday 20th September to place your comment below and I'll be transferring hive on Monday 21st, so get going y'all. Have some fun, get engaged and build some relationships!

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

On a side note:

Whilst you're in the weekendy mood drop a weekend-related post into the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend!

It doesn't matter what you post, as long as it has something to do with the weekend! I curate in there personally and for @curangel and promote posts to some of my buddies, accounts far larger than mine so...It might be a good place to drop a post or two.


I have been always afraid of heights(and thousands of other things). So, in order to get over my fear, I tried trekking, parasailing, Bungy Jumping, and last year, paragliding.

But when I was trying paragliding for the first time, I kind of freaked out, lost control, and almost dropped down the hill. Got some bruises. My parachute got stuck in some bushes, otherwise I would have ended up with broken bones.

But I was high on adrenaline, so tried again, and enjoyed paragliding for almost 45 mins.

One of the best memories of my life.

It was kind of scary at the moment, but when I think about it now, it's kind of funny.😅




OMG that had to be scary! I don't think I would of had the nerve to go again after an ordeal like that!

lol, try bungy jumping and then think what's scary.😅

Good point! haha I'm not sure you could pay me to bungee jump or go gliding, my feet belong on dirt. Zipline is probably the most extreme I would be willing to try in that type of activities.

Zipline, okay👍

That looks insane and terrifying but fun all at the same time! We have a zipline in the Rockies I want to try but nowhere near this crazyness! These dudes are talented with their parachute tricks.

Yepp, they are extremely talented.

, I tried trekking, parasailing, Bungy Jumping, and last year, paragliding.

As many times as I've suffered injury I've always had a strange fondness for my body and the way the various pieces are attached. Therefor I've never, not ever once considered any of those. Well except maybe trekking and parasailing but only crazy people Bungy Jump and Paraglide. Really.

It's a great story. That which does not kill me can only make me stronger.

Lol, the only thing I am scared of getting injured is driving bike in my country(India).

There is a high chance of getting killed. I had two major accidents, in one, I almost lost two fingers.

A lot of people die driving bikes here. Travelling through bikes is the most common means of transport.

I think @firepower one of the oldest steemian/hive, was injured in a bike accident, and was bed ridden for multiple months.

So, while doing adventure sports, I am only concerned about heights. I am concerned about injuries only on road. LOL...

And btw, I was doing rafting in 2018, and my raft turned upside down. I could have died drowning. When I did bungy jumping, a month later an accident happened over there, and the site was closed for 3-4 months. The paragliding site in Assam is still closed, 2 years later, because someone died in an accident while paragliding.

Lol, I never thought about all these things until now. Good thing is I am done with all these things. Always wanted to go for hang gliding and sky diving, but these things were not available in my country.

Maybe in next life then.

I've watched some hang gliding guys. I've got two pictures to show you.

Hook in Now.JPG

Mingus Mountain View.JPG

Taken from the very same spot!

Looks like fun and incredibly scary at the very same time!

Yepp, it's really fun to fly🙂

Yeah, his accident was bad.. But he recovered quite fast and did more adventures.. Never stopped him..

That's really great. I had a severe accident on my bike in 2011, didn't ride again for 2-3 years.
I just used my bike when I had to, otherwise car or activa.

But then I bought Desert Storm in 2017, been riding and enjoying it. It's really a fun experience. Just a little worried, don't want to get hurt again.

yeah, that has to be worked on.. I have been in crazy accidents too.. But hasn't held me back.. In fact I was advised never to ride again because of my spinal injury.. But I still continue riding..

Woah, spinal injury, that sounds somewhat extreme!

This might surprise you, but I have some crazy friends. A couple of them have ridden motorcycles all over the world. I was always invited on their trips and always had work considerations...

One year they went to India, bought scooters locally and took off. They were at it a month when they decided they needed to check out the Hindu Kush. One buddy ticked a rock wall on the way down and ended up going down. He said he was probably OK until the bike ran over him and broke 3 ribs.

His wife helped him to decide that he was done riding, and in fact they have been living out of a motorhome since. But he now has a scooter on a rack behind. I KNEW he couldn't quit :)

Yeah, I know it is very hard to quit this riding thing. I haven't travelled much on my bike, but just some local places. But I enjoy going on solo 4-5 hours ride every now and then.

It's really a different experience.😅

I bungeed once...Felt pretty weird jumping off a perfectly good platform but it was quite enjoyable. The free fall is a rush, a little alarming, but once the cord catches and bounces you back...A pleasing experience. Nah, don't need to do it again. :)

My brother bungied once. In the Rockie Mountains in Canada, I think. He was telling me about it and said the rush was just insane.

I asked if he was going to start bungy jumping at various exotic locations. He just gave me a hearty 'Fuck You.'

Haha, yeah I'd double down on the fuck you...Not something I'd do again I think, unless someone dared me and it was worth my while. It was a good experience though, I'm glad I did it. Quite empowering.

You know? I don't like carnival rides. They are just way far out of my control for me to have any peace with the damn things.

I have taken my breath away plenty of times with mistakes on a MC or a car. I don't need artificial stimulation.

I don't go on carnival rides either...I'm not a fan of dizyness.

I get what you're saying though, we won't do such and such but will feel completely vindicated to do something infinitely more dangerous. Some of the stuff I've done...I'm surprised I'm alive. 🤣

lol, same, I was quite excited that I was gonna bungy jump. I thought it was gonna be like the movies, I will enjoy it.

Just before I was going to jump, my legs started shaking. I was terrified before jumping, but I thought that I was never gonna get another chance. Plus there was no refund policy😂.
So, I thought, what the heck, I jumped. Coudln't think of anything or scream when I was falling, I just froze.

But once the cord catched me, I screamed a lot. Don't wanna try it again, lol. Paraglyding is good enough for me!😅

Lol yeah that no refund policy is a motivator for sure. I'm glad I jumped, felt quite empowering, but I'd only do it again if someone dared me to and there was something to gain.

3-4 years ago, I would have tried anything, I was a meek kid. So, I had this idea that the more I push myself, the more alive I will feel. It worked for a couple of years.

One more thing that I did, that I won't repeat is, jumping in the sea, with a life jacket on and having no idea how to swim.

Lol, I had to go down the boat slowly, but I kind of jumped from the boat, got under water for a couple of seconds(that was really scary) and when I was up, I was screaming to take me back. But after spending a min or two in the water, and holding the stairs of the boat, I calmed down, spent some time there.

boat stairs.png


It was kind of fun thing to do at the moment. Especially when my astrologer told me when I was 21 that I would die drowning in the water. I was there, and thought, this could not kill me, atleast not today. Lol. Was an amazing moment.

It's fun growing in life from being scared to everything to not easily being scared from getting hurt, physically or emotionally. And not being scared of dying.

I can't say I would strait up jump in the water but I can't swim and still go whitewater rafting, kayaking, canoeing and all that stuff. I just don't know what I would do if I ever fell in tho. Altho I am somewhat comfortable with my mortality that if I die doing something fun in the Rockies, I kicked the bucket happy.

It's brave to jump into deep water whilst having the fear of it...Many would not do so. It's also good to hear that it was a positive experience.

I've never had a fear of dying, I don't want to just yet, but we're all going to so we may as well live life the best we can right?

So, you're older than 21 and haven't drowned yet...Have you called your astrologer to ask for your money back?

My Dad didn't know how to swim, the nearest water to where he grew up was a long ways away.

He loved to fish, though and owned several boats. I don't know that he ever went in water over his waist, but he had some fear to overcome just to get on top of the water.

Like the proverbial fall off the horse get right back on and try again. I think paragliding would be fun but I have never tried it, but may one day.

lol, I tried horse riding, it wasn't for me. When I almost fell off a cliff while paraglyding, I wasn't scared much. But when I was riding a horse, I was so much scared. If I had fallen off the damn horse, I would be terrified of that creature for my life.

I was happy that it was a good horse. Never gonna try horse riding again.

I was surprised at my first horse riding experience, I thought it was pretty fun, and somewhere back in time I must have been a cowboy or an Indian because I was pretty good, but it was most likely I had a very smart horse.

That's a cool story of personal triumph over one's fears! I've done some bloody stupid shit on my day, but I don't think paragliding will ever be one of them. I've heard it's amazing though and is a lot of fun once one is up there. I like things with engines on them though.


Yeah, its really a fun thing to do. You just glide...everything seems good from up there.

Everytime I travel through planes, I am little bit uneasy, but while paraglyding, I feel really comfortable.

Guess I trust parachutes more than engines😅

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It's funny now because you made it in one piece. I've never done that. Not sure I'd have the nerves to try. It must be a unique feeling.

Lol, I think if I was hurt, I would have definitely tried it again.

You are a daredevil. I admire that kind of determination

haha, I am no daredevil. Actually I was completely scared of everything most of my life.

I was mostly scared of:

  1. Talking to strangers
  2. Heights
  3. going out
  4. being on my own
  5. I was kind of bullied when I was a kid, so, standing up for myself whenever something wrong happened with me, scared me

There were thousands of other things I was scared of. Anyone, who hasn't met me in the last 6-8 years, who meets me now, will be shocked to see such changes in my personality.

If you open my profile, I am completely full of self development stuff. I have been doing that from last 3-4 years.

Changed myself a lot. So, pushing myself to things that I am scared of, is one the things that I have used to grow my personality.

Nothing big to it.🙂

Wow friend I imagine, this answer was perfect, I liked it... Good thing you improved and used self-development.

Nothing big to it.🙂

Yeah, there is. Big to all of it. That's a just remarkable story and I really appreciate your sharing it with us.

Thanks a lot. So many people were interested in my stories, and so many comments. It's the first time I have interacted so much in a single thread on hive.

Feeling wonderful about it.

It's good in overcoming your fear. You made something different but well, incidents as long not that bad can make it more fun. You faced your fears and at the same time I think you're enjoying it now.

It's not something I do regularly. I have just tried it a couple of times. I think, unless doing paraglyding is your passion, you get bored of it. The same landscaped you are flying over.

But yeah, I am little bit more comfortable looking down from my second floor balcony now than I was 4-5 years ago.

Its a kind of faling but Im sure it gave you lesson to learn on how make perfect for rhe second time around.
Keep safe all the time.

Yeah, the first time was shitty enough, I didn't want to repeat it. So, I didn't made the same mistake again.

What! I thought it made you stronger.

Lol, could say stronger enough to go for second try!😅

There will be a sweetest thing happen in the second time around.

You are braver than me - just the thought of it scares me :D

Lol, I am sure you have done enough crazy things in your life too.😅

Not at heights though - I was scared going up the stairs of the Eiffel Tower =D

Maybe, you should try this then😅

bungy jumping 3.png

bungy jumping 4.png

Excellent adventure, I recommend you also free skydiving is a fabulous feeling.

Very good experience, I imagine for you it was a real adventure🚀🚀

Yeah, will try someday. It's not available in my country. So, if I visit some other country, I will try it for sure!

How brave you are, this is no fun. For me it would be history of terrror haha.
I hate heights, and I wouldn't dare do something like this.

I used to hate heights too. 3-4 years ago, I wouldn't have tried something like that. But once you try it, you get over it.

Good, you decided right away to try again. I am sure it was a breathtaking experience!

I don't know about breathtaking. THe guide asked me if I want to try again. I said yes, why not.

Of all the things I have done in my life. Only bungy jumping scared me. Anything else than that, I could try again any day.

bungy jumping 2.png

THis was the scariest moment of my life.

bungy jumping 3.png

The oh shit moment of life.

bungy jumping 4.png

When you learn what gravity is.

Bungy jumping.png

Till this moment, I could not speak, scream, or think. I just froze after jumping.

Anyways, all the life is fun.

Omg, I can't believe this, I also do these kinds of activities to overcome my fears, but it's good that everything went well at the end... I always thought that I was not afraid of heights until one day I decided to walk along the edge of the top of a building and fear paralyzed me just when I looked down, my body began to shake and I remember ordering my brain to move but could not then since that day I assumed that I am afraid of heights but still I dare to any adventure

lol, I think adventure sports is safer than walking on the edge of a building😅

Hahahahahahahahaha, It is, but I was .... Idk 😂😂😂😂 I was testing myself but I don't do that anymore, I love adventure

Testing yourself is good🙂

Oh, this is an interesting topic...which funny story should I tell...Hum...lets go with the day I had to outrun (outrun is a strong word) a bison bull. 2 years ago, I was at one of my favorite places, Elk Island minding my business and enjoying the landscape. Next thing you know this big freaking bison comes running out of the woods at me like holy shit how didn't I shit my pants, that's still a mystery! So normally when wildlife is around, the last thing one wants to do is run but hell this dude was gonna mess me up something fierce and I wasn't too far from the truck, I just had to make it there. My body left before my feet did in some awkward attempt at getting away, leaving them to have catch up trying not to bite the dirt on the way. Well long story short I made it safe and sound after tripping on my feet and almost falling a few times on the way to safety. I don't have a picture of myself running for obvious reasons but I probably looked something like this but imagine my feet further back:


Later that night when I got home, I turned on the evening news and turns out cranky pants buffalo had gored a jogger less than an hour before my encounter in the exact same spot, he got some serious horn in the ass and got swung around in the air a few times, at least I could consider myself lucky my ass fared better than his, he had a few extra orifice than suppose to. After all the excitement, I decided to do something quiet and take a trail, well on that trail I came face to face with 4 bisons that popped out of the woods 20 feet in front of me and I was in a field with really nowhere to run to safety, I thought to myself not again my gosh, I'm toast this time! Lucky for my behind, they looked as stunned as I was and didn't really react but the fact remained that I knew where they were going and I was in their way for sure so I slowly backed into the woods and hid there with a bunch of creepy spiders getting tangled in their webs until it was safe to get the fuck outta dodge! Both encounters were a bit terrifying at first but now I can laugh at the whole ordeal but it was a lot to handle for one day. Here is a picture of the fucker that tried to stick some horns in my ass (taken after I was in a safe location) and the news story of his not so fortunate human skewer, and then the 4(taken once I was behind the trees, where they are munching away is where I was standing when they popped out of the woods and the trail I had to be on to get out).




This could have escalated and gone quite badly for you and that ass of yours. Those big bastards are not something you'd want to mess with and I think a person would come out second best every time.

I have images of you high-tailing it to safety, camera in one hand and yelling whaaat the faaaaarkkkkk! I'll admit, funny images! 🙂

I think that big fella got the taste of human ass but wasn't happy with the man-ish taste and wanted the more delicate flavour of female. Not that he'd chow down on you...Just stick you a few times.

EMA sure isn't going to help you in this case, but it seems you had your Nike's on and managed to bugger off fast enough.

Thanks for sharing...Great story, even though it probably sucked ass to lived it. 🤣


Could have gone really really bad! I have been encountering big wildlife since I was a little kid and this was the first time a surprise encounter went a little sideways. Yes that would have been a funny picture, I was going to draw it a few weeks back for another challenge but work had me too busy. With EMA I probably would have been missing an eyeball or half my face, no use there, I think he was the clear winner of that match. It's like time stood still and the whole thing went down in slow-mo I can't say it sucked that much not sure I want to go thru that ordeal again tho, maybe it sucked more so for the previous guy but it does make for an unusual memory I'll never forget no matter how senile I get! I'm glad I didn't meet that one in the middle of nowhere.

A drawing of said fleeing would have been splendid, I'd have wanted to see that. Maybe in the background that poor dude who wasn't fast enough.

Is it a common occurrence to meet these big fellas like this?

Yes and no, they generally hide deep in the woods away from people or are extremely visible on the road but it sort of is common enough to meet them in unexpected places from time to time since we share the trails and walk thru fields. The less popular trails at a certain time of day has more chances of encounters. There is always a chance for bison, bear, moose, deer, elk encounters just about anywhere since the park is really just a big section of forest fenced off and we all kinda mingle. Where they know there is a lot of people like the common areas they generally stay away. I have probably encountered them on trails a minimum of 5 or 6 times but they were a bit further away. I once walked parallel to the herd for like half an hour but they were far enough away not to be concerned with my presence and vice versa.


Your photos are so good. It would be weird for a Aussie lad from the country seeing snow covered plains with bison grazing...You'd have to show me around...Although, you probably run faster than me so I'd be the decoy guy for you...Hmm, maybe I better have a snow mobile.

Haha, not allowed snowmobiles there! Just your feet and how fast they go! We would both be targets because they seldom hangout on their own, I'm more worried about a stampede because when they run, they run. That last picture I posted I was in waist deep snow tracking them, nobody is running but the bison in that scenario. I would def show you around if you come for a trip one day. I can probably find you some bison closer to the roads inside a vehicle where it's less dangerous just as we could go and not see any but it is fun to track them too. Depends, there is no way to tell until you get there. here is a video, not mine but a stampede somewhere in the US.

A bison is a wee bit slower than a cheetah 🤣I think that same story will be repeated during the @galenkp, cheetah running championship run lol.

Lol, yes I would imagine a cheetah runs a bit faster, I'm glad I didn't have to outrun that! We do have cougars that stalk hikers and chase bikers from time to time in the Rockies, I never seen one and hope I never have to fend one of those off.

In the place of cougars, we have leopards here in South Africa and one of them jumped off a rock onto me uncle's back in a dry river bed on the farm. Ripped his shoulder blade wide open, but luckily one of the farm laborers stormed the leopard with an axe and he took off.Only @galenkp can outrun the cheetahs my friend.

It is great to see the animals and to get a chance to run away, but it is the silent stalking ones that are the real buggers to get away from.

I was on a trip through Botswana in a 3 ton truck, on my way to Zambia when I got into an argument with a young Elephant, he refused to move out of the middle of the road. I didn't know that the mom was close by and when she stormed at me with her trunk raised and bellowing the loud trumpet challenge, I decided to depart with that truck in a great hurry hahaha,

That's scary stuff them big cats, they sneak into backyards here and sometimes attack pets like dogs, we hear less about human attacks but they happen from time to time. That sounds like quite the ordeal what happened to your uncle, thankfully he's ok. I agree the silent stalking ones are the scary ones, they are good at disappearing. I would like to see one at some point but I hope I'm inside a vehicle or something.

The elephant story is crazy! They are a bit bigger than bison!, well at least the mom. Often times tho, people that are trying to rush the wildlife are the ones that get charged by them. I probably would have gotten out of there in a hurry too!

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Holy Moly. I've never encountered one of the big bastiges in wooded country. Every time I've been close it's been a prairie situation so I could see precisely where everybody and everything is.

True fact: The reason God created telephoto lenses is for encounters with Bison and such.

I'm sure you know the ultimate bear survival technique: You can't out run a bear so all you have to do is out run one person in the group. I am slower than the second coming so have always been a popular hiking partner in bear country.

I just can't imagine the panic level. O to 100 in a tenth of a second. Glad you made it, and really glad you shared it with us. Thank you.

I know eh, too bad I'm the slow runner haha! Why most of the time, I just stay still and quiet, cross my fingers and hope for the best! That one big dude tho...He was angry! Must have been still stressed from his last human encounter so I can't blame the fellow, plus I may have been standing on his lunch. I agree that it's nice in open fields where you can see everything and know what is there. I like my telephoto lens but I need something with more range, not that it would have helped any safety wise since I didn't know they were there.

 4 years ago  

Oh, my god. Those animals look so impressive. I can't imagine what it must feel like to have to run from one of them. That image was so funny.

They are! They weigh between 1000 to 2000 lbs, it was terrifying during the moment.

Heres a funny story from my early 20s. My cousin and i were once in a rock band. He was the singer and i was the bassist. The band eventually went on to be pretty big playing all the big tours and my cousin a current top 40 music producer and song writer. Anyways, at the time the band was relatively small and we entered into a battle of the bands contest at universal studios hard rock cafe there.

So the night of the contest we're all there at the hard rock cafe. Were all set up and waiting for our turn on stage to play our set. So what do we do. Well most everyone else in the band played it cool and just mingled. Me. I went to the bar and started plowing shots.

A few people there knew me from prior gigs as i was a bassist with a reputation of being a showman on stage. So they kept buying me drinks. Maybe to sabotage the band so that their band could win. There was a 1000 dollar cash prize involved. Maybe just cause they thought i was cool. I dunno.

So anyways about two hours in of me just drinking and getting drunker and drunker i notice my band mates across from the bar giving me death stares. I notice the bands girl friends giving me the knock it off gesture and glaring at me disapprovingly.

But i was confident and blew them off.

Anyways its show time. I get up on stage and am staggering around. I almost fell over and nearly tripped over my own amp cord. I could barely see the audience.

Howd the gig go?

I nailed it. Luckily i was a damned good bass player and the songs were cake to me. Even trashed i played the set perfectly.

Some people thought my drunkenness on stage was just an act that night. But i really was that drunk.

We also won the contest hands down. We crushed the competition that night. One of the judges mentioned that it was the drunk bass player that helped seal the win. It was just so rock n roll to him.

Later i promised the band mates id never do that again.

 4 years ago (edited) 

That's a rockstar story if I ever heard one! I'll be honest, I would probably have got you in a headlock and dragged you away from the bar if I was in your band...But it worked out and your rockstar drunken antics won the day!

Good story. Do you slap dat bass still?


Eventually i think my cousin dud kick my ass for something once but i can't remember what. He's like 6'5"

Now that ass kicking I wold have liked to see...David versus Goliath, literally.

Eh i held my own. Hes a big clumsy guy.

bigger they are, the harder they fall...Been my experience anyway and it's a good line used on many movies too! Lol.

It was at a weekend bbq. I think he fell into the pool with his clothes on. Back in the days before smart phones constantly being in your pocket. Nobody got too hurt luckily

Yup slapping is my specialty

I played bass guitar for a while. Was ok, could get it to make a noise. Piano was my thing though, and trumpet for several years too. Started piano when I was 4 years old and played for years and years. I have one in my office here...Covered in Lego builds.


 4 years ago  

Such a cool collection! I guess that piano has not been played again.

The keyboard still operates...I play each week.

I mean if it worked, why mess with a good thing? Lol, I love the story. Everybody always remembers the ones where you got drunk and screwed everything up, good to hear one of the success stories!

They key to performing drunk is to practice drunk! Now where did i put my beer.

Chemical recall! That's how I used to study for tests in college. It's probably hiding behind the bourbon :)

You know theres some validity to that theory. I know guys that can only play drunk. Me I'm pretty good all around. Shitfaced is not my musical sweet spot. But a drink in and im nicely loosened up.

I know what you mean. I used to play first person shooters competitively a bit, a few drinks and I was even more on point than sober but once I got drunk it went downhill pretty fast.

Ohhh Jeeze! Now that's a story for the ages. Good on you Dave.

I only thought I was adequate when I was drunk. Real delusions of adequacy, matter of fact.

I also occasionally thought I could channel Parnelli Jones and my driving sent me to jail more often than channeling my inner Ali did.

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That's quite a story. I am actually wondering if it is not one of your tall-tales. It reads like one.
It reminded me of the time I got so drunk, celebrating with some college friends that we had past a tough sophomore course, that I did not remember anything from the previous night. I was only warned to avoid a certain twin girl who lived in the same building where we rented an apartment and who was a karate champion. Allegedly I had spat on her from the second floor as she was passing. To this day I avoid that woman and I have never been able to confirm that story.

You accidentally spit on a karate champion!. Good thing she didnt come up to your apartment. Hey it happens we all do crazy stuff when were drunk.

Oh, yes. She showed some class and mercy.
After that incident, I spent a whole year without tasting even a drop of alcohol. I developed a visceral aversion to licor. The hangover was brutal that time, but I think that my body was just not made for that

I once spent a whole year without s drop of alcohol gut that was because i was still recovering from a horrific night drinking a litre of vodka...cheap vodka

Hahaha, what happened to those people kept on giving you drinks? Maybe they just thought that the money they bought you drinks was just wasted because you nailed it. I was wondering with that woman what kind of gesture she did while looking at you? hahaha

You just played them after all, how bad of you. lol

She gave me the old finger like a knife across the throat gesture to stop drinking. I smiled back raised a glass and then downed it and asked for another.

hahaha bad-ass dude, hahaha

Lessons, advice and learning.
Only to be repeated in an upcoming competition 🚀

 4 years ago  

After typing this all up, I apologize but it got way longer than it seemed lol oops. I grabbed the wrong SD card for the pictures, I’ll get the correct one tomorrow.

So I was thinking about which crazy story to share that my wife and I have experienced in the years that we have been married. Some of the best ones were from when we were in Italy.

So towards the end of our trip there, I decided, unfortunately, that we would go from Siena to the northern region of Italy, near the lakes. We stayed in a very quaint town near Lago Maggiore called Cadrezzate. It looked nice on the pictures, had decent reviews but they left out some very important pieces of information. No one spoke English! Lol. My Italian towards the end of my time was actually pretty good! I could converse on pretty decent levels, much so that people were shocked we were Americans! We realized after a few hours there that this region is where Italians went to vacation, not Americans! Too late, we were booked there for 4 days!


One of the days we were up there, I decided that we are going to try and visit the big lake and ride this really fantastic gondola that takes you up the side of a beautiful mountain. All looked good on paper! So we go to the front desk and see how we can get over there. The guy tells us that you can hop on a train nearby and it will take you to the town you can grab the gondola from. We asked for some directions and off we went.

Mistake number one... we didn’t have a car. So being the adventurous couple we are, we decided it’s probably like a mile walk or so but we also happened to take a few screenshots of google maps on my phone when we were on WiFi. We set out walking and quickly realized that we had absolutely no flipping idea where the hell we were going, we were walking on the side of a pretty busy road that had no sidewalk and cars were going pretty fast! We walked through a bit of a neighborhood and saw the oldest guy you’ve ever seen mowing his lawn, I felt proud of the guy, that’s why he was still alive! So we finally found a street sign! We were in luck because the street sign just happened to also be in the small snippet picture on my phone of the directions. Hallelujah! So we found out where we were going and at last found the way to the train station. To get there, you have to walk past a garbage dump and the street that led to the train was literally like in a fucking horror movie. It was extremely full of trees, dark because of the tree coverage and next to a sketchy ass dump. At this point we were contemplating trying to just go back but we were this far already! We trudged along and I honestly grabbed the biggest stick I could find to have some sort of protection against the bastards in the Italian version of the “Hills Have Eyes” horror movie. We finally arrive at the “train station” and what do you know? It’s one of those stops that has to be requested, it’s a tiny ass hut with broken glass, missing a door and spiders literally everywhere. At this point my fiancée at the time was like “ok fuck this I’ve had enough!” We contemplated what we were going to do but we had enough food and water for a few more hours so we decided to wait to see when the train would come. I think it took about 60-90 minutes before it arrived and we finally hopped on the run down train from a Russian block of Eastern Europe. It was a piece of junk!

Our travel route somehow from the town over to some part of the train tracks lol

This story doesn’t end here but to keep it brief I’ll stop here. If you want me to continue let me know! There’s 2 more parts to it lol

That sounds like a great holiday adventure! So far anyway. You're lucky you were able to speak a little of the language I guess, and also lucky you didn't get jumped in these dodgy areas! I think you're going to need to do a post on it to be honest, maybe you can post in in the Haveyoubeenhere community and pin the location to pinmapple.

You have to do this because you've left me hanging with only one instalment of the great Italian gondola debacle.


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Adapt and Overcome! Never to that extent, but that's how I travel "Let's see what happens next" mentatlity.

I think you need to post this story. It's just terrific and going to get better I'm thinking!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Hahah thanks, I think it looks like I’m going to have to post it!

When it was just my wife and I we lived by the seat of our pants often. With the little man we try not to do that since he can't go as long as we can.

This is a post in itself. Come on, Haveyoubeenhere?

 4 years ago  

Hahah yeah the post will be a lot better with the accompanying pictures! I’ll have to work on it, I need to find the SD card that has the pics. There’s two spots it could be and I just didn’t get to look yet.

I’ll have to load all kinds of pictures from Italy, we had such an amazing time and did so many things, both scary and fun lol

The day my friend was Queen

First I will mention that the beauty of women is a part of my country's culture.
I tell you that my friend is beautiful, she was competing to be beauty queen, but the preparation was very strong, I remember that I was supporting her in the competition as a "bar" (people who applaud) but before that I went to her house to bring her some things, that day she was very busy, she and the people who supported her and she needed to iron a garment and well the only one who could help her was me, thanks to my mother who taught me to iron and the academy that perfected me.


The important thing is that so much sacrifice was worth it and my friend won.


This is a nice story of friendship and I can see why she won the contest as she is very pretty. Fortunately you had the skills that pay the bills when it comes to ironing and were able to help her.

Thanks for sharing this cool story and for supporting the #weekend-engagement topic.


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I don't think that my "helmet" would protect me from my wife's dough rolling pin like yours would, but I wanted to see what a Russian guy would look like in sunny South Africa 🤣

Zac Smith.JPG

Haha, this is gold! Great hat! I almost got one of those woolly aviator style ones...I have a picture of me wearing it somewhere. Not really cold enough here though I guess.

I think, should Marion's rolling pin get levelled at your noggin this hat would only soften the blow...Great picture though, thanks for sharing it!


Hahaha, just had to share it to get a laugh out of you mate.
Way too hot here to ever wear that hat, but I do wear it occasionally in winter when the gale force winds are up.
Very warm and fits my coconut like a glove!

Yeah, I think that I should invest in something more suitalble like that helmet that you are wearing :)

Thank you for the token.

It's a nice hat. Everyone should have one for those moments when the artic temperatures hit. Not likely in our countries, but one never knows. 😁

Hahaha, not likely unless one of those huge Ice bergs floats down the Atlantic ocean to our shores lol.
But then again it will never reach Aus. so I think that a fur hat will really feel wasted there.

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Wow. Nice photo! That is just damn near a Toque. Canadians wear them when they are eating poutine. It's a national law! You can ask my friend @jangle if you don't believe me.

He's right, eh. It's also a law that you have to be watching hockey everyday and can only let your pet moose out during the hours of 7 to 11

Ahahahahahaha. See! I told you.

Oy Vey and I thought that we have problems here letting the lions out for a run hahaha.

Now you got me Sir Tom!

Canadians wear Toque's and eat poutine??? I will have to go ask Mrs. Google to explain this to me.
Would it make sense to you if I tell you that some South Africans wear ox horn hats and eat pap?

That makes perfect sense to me. My friend Jangle tries to get me to eat that cheese curd and gravy mixture they put on french fries. It's gross, but I actually wear a toque once in a while, and wore one often when I lived in cold country!

No wonder if that cheese curd is made from Moose milk and one can only wonder what dem Canadians use for the gravy. Maybe you wear the Torque when you eat it, just in case you faint and capsize hahaha.

Ahahahahaha. THAT'S IT. It's worn for padding when you eat a bite and faint. Concussion protocol!

Hahaha, two lovely words here "Concussion protocol" and maybe that's what the original designer had in mind lol.


Today, when I looked the picture I couldn't hold on laughing alone. I show it to my boss and got amgry. How if it will not back to normal?Hello, @galenkp, time now in Saudi Arabia is 7:02 and this funny picture was taken yesterday when our hive group chat had a contest last night. I made it as one of the challenges. I got a prize and I told the group that I would give the prize to the one who imitates how i Flip my eyelid. I turned into a laughter because they didn't know how to do and they told me that it gave tear drop on there eyes. Two members of the group chat told me that their eyes are so cute like the Chinese people's eyes.

Thats all folks. Thank you!

I've never seen a person flip their eye lids before...It seems like a neat trick...Although one I don't think I'd do myself...Seems painful. Now I wonder how many people have this skill or others like it! I can curl my tongue but that's the limit of my skills.

Thanks for sharing this funny and interesting photo, and for supporting the #weekend-engagement post!


You are so welcome and happy to support this community because you are also supporting many people.

Your support is much appreciated.

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Ahahahahaha. A unique skill!

My lower eyelids will turn over once in a while, I've been led to believe it's fairly common for older males.

I've never taken a picture of it, however. Good on you!

INTERESTING it was!! An Elephant Pool Party here in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai,Thailand to raise money to help feed rescued elephants who are short of food due to there having been ZERO tourists in Thailand for already 7 months now. These amazing animals have been largely domesticated and CAN'T be returned to the wild. Normally the tourists who pay for an eco experience in this NO-RIDE facility subsidize their food and care.

So, the community stepped up. And we swam, drank beer and ate BBQ to help raise money. And we fed hungry elephants. Awesome way to spend a Saturday!! So awesome I wrote a HIVE POST about it in the Engage The Weekend Community. 😆 Covids Hidden Victims: Hungry Rescued Elephants


Elephants are such nice creatures, intelligent and usually placid. So great to see the community rally around them and to come together in this pandemic environment to raise funds for their upkeep. Fun for the humans, and a benefit for the elephants.


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Ohhhh, the sacrifices you endured for your friends. Swimming? Drinking Beer? Eating BBQ? All on the same day? Oh, the humanity of it all.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Oh, my god! I loved them! Congratulations for the work you do. I'll go check the post

I've got a story that involves me, a family member, and a friend :D Back in my college days I was visiting with a friend when he confessed that he had a problem. He'd gotten drunk the night before and liberated one of the large orange warning signs that they're fond of putting up near road work in these parts but his parents were due to be there in a few minutes and he didn't know what to do with it now. Being the helpful individual that I sometimes am, I offered to take it off his hands and solve the problem, at least temporarily.

Spring break rolled around shortly thereafter and I found myself at my mother's house with a similar difficulty but after a little brainstorming (and possibly a few beers) I had the brilliant idea to just nail it to a tree in the woods were nobody could see it. Problem solved, no? I thought so but with the coming of fall the leaves changed their colors and fell from the trees and shortly thereafter I received a panicked phone call from my mother. She'd spotted the sign on her lunch break and for some reason thought I was responsible and that the police would be showing up to investigate it and arrest her for stealing it. With some effort I was able to convince her that she wasn't going to go to jail and that it could easily be removed. Although that defused the panic I was in the doghouse for a while over that one.

As for an interesting photo, here's me in the taking photos while I'm in the process of getting tear gassed for the first time. (That's me silhouetted in the photo and the white clouds in the background are the tear gas)
Jesse and the tear gass.jpg

Ah yes, the old I stole a road sign thinking it was a good idea and then realised what the fuck am I going to do with it story. Funny that your mum (mom) knew it was you...Your reputation precedes you obviously.

I grew up in a small town and there always seemed to be a road sign missing around the place...Some of which were hidden in peoples sheds. I only took one...I wonder hoe many vehicle accidents there were at that intersection with the give way sign gone? Lol.

Great photo...Must have been good for photo opportunities I guess, not so good for your health though. Tear gas doesn't discriminate.


Lol! I never saw the point of messing up with street signs. Most people here do, though and we have very few left.
That meme of the idiot in uniform self-teargassing is glorious! If only God existed and causes that every time innocent people are about to be teargassed.

Oh yeah, that cop must have had a bad day...You only do that sort of thing once though, you'd hope. 😁

That video really does wondrous things for me and my contemplation of the training behind that guy. How can you be that stupid? And how can his fellow officers let that shit happen?

Shit was going bad from the moment he pointed that thing at his head. He deserves what he got, a headache and probably loss of teeth or a broken nose. What a dick.

And fired I would hope. That shit just makes me crazy.

Sends a bad massage that a professional LEO doesn't practice the most basic of firearm safety...Don't point at at yourself, and keep your finger away from the trigger.

Yeah, CS is no bueno, except for in that video! Plausible deniability works better for politicians than it did for me. I have a fondness for pranks that make people go "WTF!?!?" so I tend to be an immediate suspect anytime something like that happens.

I grew up outside of a small town but we didn't have anything like a 'give way' sign so people mostly just shot them.

Yep, there's many road sign shooters around Australia. I never saw the point to be honest.

Yeah, me neither. It was always a bit disconcerting when you saw the ones where they'd obviously fired across the road while driving. Do people spotlight deer there?

Yeah, I cull deer on a cattle farm; Kangaroos too.

Oops, forgot this...


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Seemed like a good idea at the time. I may or may not have a couple of those on my resume.

I have a great (long) story about street testing an MGB that I'd race prepped for a guy. In a small town in E Washington. Midnight Saturday night. Seems the local constabulary was unhappy with my choices. Pity.

Seemed like a good idea at the time probably sums up most of my bad decisions. I'd love to have seen that test! Would it even count as a proper test if they weren't unhappy with it?

Ahahahahaha. Nope. We made 2 laps each (one at a time) We'd have gotten away clean with one each :)

Damn that car ran good, too!

Talking about street signs and alcohol, 3 guys were on their way home after a binge drinking party. Happily drunk they chatted and joked in the car and as they approached a small bridge they ran the car off the road severely damaging several warning signs to slow down and they ended up with the car in the small river.
They were arrested and placed on trial!
So the judge asked them; "Tell me, who was the driver"?
The one wise guy chirped up; "I don't know your highness, as we were all three sitting in the back" 🤣

Ha, that's a good one! I knew a guy who took out a few telephone poles but dodged a DUI by climbing into the passenger seat before the cops got there and then claimed that the driver ran off. He still had to pay for the telephone poles though....

Hahaha, I presume the car belonged to him and that's why he had to pay.
So many guys pull lurks like this, but the concern is that they start to think that they can always get away with it which normally ends in a sad note for them.

He'd just bought it but hadn't gotten it transferred into his name yet which I think is the only reason it worked with the police. Yeah, that's definitely one of those things that works great until it don't and then it's that much worse for everyone involved.

Yeah, if it was not in his name, then they couldn't touch him. Of course they never found the driver as he is still running today lol.

I also had a few mishaps and narrow escapes in my time, as I am sure that you and many others did, but hopefully we have all learned something from them lol.
Then there are those that refuse to learn and invariably it ends in tears and sorrow.


So, a few years back I sold my iPhone to some nice folks of Vietnamese descent who live here in Saskatchewan. Did the factory data reset (as I’ve done a few times before when selling and old phone). They said they would likely be sending the phone back to Asia and either sell or give to one of their relatives. Fast forward a couple of weeks, and all of a sudden I get this picture showing up in my photo stream, and a few others too. Called apple to report this issue. I have no idea who this dude is! Lol

Bwahaha! So, they were taking photos and they were uploading to your account? This could be problematic, or bloody hilarious.

This guy looks pretty happy to have your phone, and clearly likes biscuits!


Don’t ask me how that happens, seems impossible because I did a proper factory data reset! I have another much crazier story involving twitter, Flipboard, and Robert Herjavec that I may share someday..

I bought a new iPhone a few years back and over time noticed a heap of names and details in my contacts list for people from Western Australia.

I deleted them, but all I could think of was that it was a refurbished phone and not new at all. I use Samsung phones now.

Yes, I switched to android some time back myself.

I got so sick of Apple's shit...Went Android and an happy.

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Ahahahahaha. That's one of the reasons why I basically keep my phone. Though I did trade in my last I phone on the current piece. Getting a stranger selfie would probably piss me off a little...

It was certainly a surprise when it just appeared out of nowhere.

Haha that's funny, the picture look a little awkward, they could have been worse tho!

Yeah, could have been a LOT worse!

How if the picture is something private, so embarrassing. Hmmm, I wont buy second hand phone.

Generally there shouldn't be an issue with a factory wiped phone.

Thank you for the information. It also happened to my friend. He sold his old phone before and the new owner of the phone retrieved the messages.

Now that's interesting, I hope no photograph surprises you that much!

I've seen a lot.

It could have been.....a lot worse! lol...in terms of creepy photos I mean! Still...kind of icky haha

My photo stream was violated, kinda

Hi, everybody.
Hope you're having a weekend better than mine. Headache after a long night. Heavy rain, innundation, very stressful.
Let's combine the two prompts here.
This is a picture of me when I was 3 or 4 and that has caused not a few embarrassing moments.


She exclaimed happily, "Daddy, you were a girl!"The cutest one was when my daughter @imabby17, who was born in the states and was brought to Venezuela when she was 6, visited my parents house and saw this family picture for the first time.

Daddy, you were a girl! That's gold!

You sure looked like a serious little lad in the photo, and that hair...Well, it's easy to see how she confused you for a girl.

Thanks for sharing it and supporting the #weekend-engahement topic.


Hahaha. Thanks for the chance to tell this one.
It was a religious-related tradition in my town (probably in the whole country) to let boys grow their hair as part of "promises" made to saints or virgins to work some miracles. According to my mother, I suffered from asthma attacks. She had my hair cut after some years. Allegedly my asthma disappeared thanks to some miraculous intervention of some saint or virgin, can't remember now.
I think it was a smart deal, to offer just hair in exchange for healing.

That sounds like a good trade off, some hair for a miracle cure for asthma! Fortunately I'm not sick because I don't have that much hair to cut off - I keep mine short! 🤣

Hahaha. Well, there were other deals that were made. I remember some of my friends, whose parents had made promises on their behalfs, wearing purple robes during the easter processions or wearing a certain amulet or image hanging from their necks as their offering to be healed.
People did outrageous things, like walking barefoot for a certain time.

Superstition is a funny thing...Humans are funny.

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Ahahahaha. Out of the mouth of children!

There are an unfortunately large number of photographs of me floating around my really large extended family. One of them will post to FB every once in a while. Another great reason to avoid FB like the plague :)

Hajajajaja, I was also intrigued by the photo at the beginning but then only died of laughter at the end.
Every era had its own fashion!

Haha. I bet that was the latest fashion cry. My daddy looked cute 😗
Always serious. I am glad to know he was already grumpy back then.

Hahaha. That was fashionable indeed. And we were poor, yet we could afford certain brands and models. There was always somethign new one could wear for special occasions, like a party or a photo session.

 4 years ago  

Oh god ajajajajja, still remember, even Anna believed it ajkskskaka
You were very cute


For donating my time helping out at the Oregon wildfires they sharpened my chainsaw gave me some premixed gas that's really cool and ready to go as well as a full gallon of bar oil to keep me rolling.

On top of it they also got me a hand file with sharpening guide so I can keep my saw razor sharp even in the field!

Hey mate, that sounds like a decent pay off for something you would have done for free I'd imagine. Coming from Australia I know all about wildfires and the devastation they can wreak so it's great to see people pitching in like you; It happens here too. Nice work.


Actually I was totally doing it for free other than bottled water delivery pizza and free beer!

They definitely take care of volunteers and I watched an entire Community come out.

The first night I was out there we had a arson incident happen.

Extremely wild is the best way I can put it.

And right now as we speak all of the rain is avoiding the areas that we need it to fall in.

I am pretty upset. We totally need that rain.

I wonder if we could sacrifice the weatherman and get the gods to help us out with a little bit of moisture....

I mean hey we've tried everything else we might as well go back to the old ways those things work man.

It's good that the community turned out to pitch in; It's in their interest to do so I guess. Happens here too. Those who can't fight fires make food, help shelter the displaced people and animals, offer support where they can...Nice to see humans all pulling in the same direction at the same time.

Hey, sacrifice that weather man mate...The bastards never get the fucking weather right anyway! 🤣

And honestly enough think about how many mouths that weatherman could feed! Add some rice and beans it could really feed the community.

Oh yeah, that's a good point too! Weather men, who needs them! Whilst were at it we could do something about arsonists too.

Well we could always use the people who like fires as barbecue for the people who are hungry?...

 4 years ago  

The concept of a weather man is pretty wild in these times. Why can't they get their jobs cut during this whole 'Rona crap? We need the construction workers and stuff, but the weather men? How often do they get the weather right nowadays? Probably 10% around here! The most hilarious example was we were on track to get a MASSIVE snowstorm, according to the weather men, and it gloriously snowed a couple flakes and completely changed directions. Schools and businesses closed across the state for pretty much nothing. They are always saying "well it's better to be wrong!" as if that makes up for their failures lol

Honestly enough it seems like they put out the worst fear that they can so that everybody prepares...

Then then they are like oops sorry.

Nate Silver the famous predictor wrote a book a few years ago called 'The Signal and the Noise'. He explained why complex predictions go so sideways and it was pretty interesting.

In his book, he claimed there was only one group worse at prediction than the weather people. Economists :)

Oh my God man you got me on that one.

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My wife has been tracking all those west coast fires and watching the smoke on Ventusky weather map (https://www.ventusky.com). They have a button for air quality and it did not look very good at all some days.

Those covid mask are actually handy for something now.

I thank you for helping to control what other would like to see burned and destroyed, be careful.

I am so lucky today we have blue skies and I can take a breath without coughing so hard.

I can definitely feel that week of smoke.

I am very glad we are not in Calif. anymore. Second year back in Alaska was a bad fire season and difficult to breath back then. We had a very tiny fire season this year, so it has been great. Some of that west coast smoke did make it up to us though, but not real thick, just noticeable on two days.

Yeah it was super socked in here quite a few different times.

Like hundred yard visibility for days

Good on you! I have people in harm's way (mostly in Washington) and I really appreciate the effort of volunteers. I mean REALLY.

I fought some wild fires up in that neighborhood when I was younger. I'm a danger with a chainsaw but big enough to be a pretty fair hand on a nozzle. I got to stay cooler than all the rest of you!

One of my besties here is a retired Wildfire Captain. They MADE him retire at 70. The last 20 years he ran a prison crew of Hotshots. Our fire season is a little different than yours so he took his crew to Washington, Oregon or California every year. The inmates loved it and he made a shit pile of money (and in truth he loved it, too).

Thanks again, man. That's some big stuff. Oh. When I first saw your picture I thought you had a double barrel shotgun draped over your shoulder... Pretty typical pose on a trap range :)

Yeah I am definitely not so hot on the double barrel shotgun thing however they are definitely fun and interesting I have to say that.

It was definitely fun work.

Watching the locals put water containers in the back of their vehicles along with a pump some hose and a nozzle next thing you know we are spraying spot fires and really helping things out.

Really excited about that chainsaw it definitely helped get the job done over and over.

Hell yeah! Are you part of a VFD or is it more of a everybody who can help turns out sort of occasion? I'm rather fond of Oregon, hopefully it calms down quickly. I was out there in 2017 (not fighting the fires though) and it seemed like everything was on fire then. I didn't think it could get much more hellish than that but 2020 never ceases to up the ante it seems. Be safe out there!

It was more of anyone was welcome especially when I come showing up with a chainsaw that is sharp and works.

That will make you popular in times like these!

You earned the love of the people by donating your time and at the same time, you had your rewards as thankful for what you did. It's a good way of helping the community tho.

Yes I did thank you

Excellent lesson is incredible how life gives back everything we do.
In this case it was a good thing, big heart brother, and all those who collaborate and do good, do well ...
It's a cycle, successes!

I definitely try to do what I can.

Hey. Nice to meet you. I remembered my funny incident. We were still living in Ukraine then. Every weekend my husband and I went for a walk. We enjoyed walking in the woods. Once we went to the forest where Stalin's bunker is located. Also in the forest there were many different reservoirs with and without water. Maybe we were a little strange, but we decided to play zombie 😁 This photo was taken by my husband when I got out of this pit 😅


Firstly, I think it would be cool to explore around that area...I like history so that sort of stuff interests me...

Now, why would you be playing zombies? I mean, you'd not want someone to mistake you for a real one right? Although, I suppose there wasn't anyone around. I reckon you two would have made the best looking zombies around though. :)

Thanks for dropping by this weekend and for sharing your zombie picture. I hope you have a great weekend.


Thanks a lot!)) How was your last romantic dinner with your wife? I hope everything went well!)))))

In that forest, there really were only the two of us. It is very interesting there and there is a tunnel under water. And we played because we love to have fun. Sometimes our friends tell us that even a psychiatrist won't help us! 😁

We had a nice night...I did a post on it the next day, showing off the desserts we had. You must have missed it.

Sometimes our friends tell us that even a psychiatrist won't help us!

Lol, don't worry, sometimes Faith and I do crazy things too...Keeps thing interesting.

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I am old. Playing Zombie has never occurred to me :) But I do like to plow around old military fixtures. Looks like you were having fun!

So. My buddy Ray and I rode together a lot. I figure I have at least 100,000 miles looking at his ass. Once we rode to El Paso for a Burrito we'd heard about. Was it worth 1100 miles in a day? Maybe...

We were always on the lookout for pretty girls. I mean always. We were at a bike rally in Laughlin, Nevada one day. Prowling, per normal. We chatted this girl on the first Segway we'd ever seen. She may have had the opposite effect on us because we didn't pay much attention to the Segway.
Segway Sales Person.jpg

This is the last photograph my first digital camera ever took. I'd bought the damn thing to be able to upload images readily to my business web page and found that I liked the digital way.

Anyway, the last photo. Just past the Segway was an exotic dancer freelancing in the parking lot. $5.00 per photo with the woman in a bikini and chaps. We'd sort of gotten in line when another attractive young woman walked right past us on her way somewhere. Maybe 20 feet from us she dropped her water bottle and bent over to pick it up as it rolled. SHE WASN'T WEARING UNDERWEAR! I got so excited to get that photo I dropped my camera and broke it. I watched until she straightened up to go on her way then looked to Ray to see if he got the shot.

The film was sticking out of his camera. He dropped his camera too :)

I sure miss my friend Ray...

Hmm, sounds like a target rich environment at that bike rally...And you drop your camera...I guess I don't blame you though, considering the circumstances.

Ray has passed on? Seems like you two had a few good times, which is how it should be! I'm sure you have loads of stories like this but thanks for sharing this one...Maybe a post or two in the future to enlighten us a little more at some stage?

Thanks for dropping by.


Yep. Ray left us. I think some Ray stories would probably be in order. He's been gone 10 years, I can probably adequately tell them now.

He was a tough guy. 82nd Airborne during Korea. They never went but were in transit 3 times. He was the company heavy weapons guy, carried a BAR. Damn guy could ride a motorcycle, I'm telling you.

I reckon it would be good to put a few Ray stories on hive. I'm pretty sure you and he would have had a few adventures so why not share some, with censorship as required of course. 🙂

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Hehe. That is a good photo Tom! Looks like the two blokes in front of her are enjoying the site too! But who wouldn't look in your position Tom. That skirt whooowee!

I guess photography was not ment to be taken that day 😂

Oh no. Photography was MEANT to be taken, it was just left to us two fumble bums :)

I would guess maybe one or two asked about the segway. Most though were likely looking, I know I would have been looking back then. I have still only seen one segway in use since they were made, and it was at a sportsman show, which I thought was rather odd.

At the risk of giving up another Ray story, he and I rented a pair of them at a huge car show. We had big fun bashing into one another (mostly accidentally) and generally just horsing around. We also covered an amazing amount of ground that we'd have never been able to get through on foot.

We found an old friend at the show. Vic Edelbrock was cooking hot dogs for all comers beside his motorhome. Both of us had some dealings with Vic over the years it was nice to say hello.

Drat and drat again, out of breath, hearts pumping gallons of blood and 2 broken cameras. That fanny certainly rattled you guys Sir Tom 🤣

Rattled is hardly the word. You know how big game hunters like to mount heads and want the absolute biggest rack on their walls?

We missed TWICE on the chance at a rare and wonderful photograph!

Hahaha, I can only imagine that furry photo mounted above your fireplace,
It will draw male visitors from miles around and you will have to employ someone to accept all of their excuses for the visits lol.
A golden opportunity lost methinks!

There is no doubt. Would have been interesting to see if it followed you around the room like the eyes in the head mounts. 😂

Hahaha, In your mind I am sure that it would have followed you around all over the place and not only in the room.

Blessings to you my friend!

You got allergic looking her butt without underwear.

Elevated Pulse? Yep
Sweaty Palms? Yep
Difficulty Breathing? Yep

Definitely an allergic reaction!


Don't know how funny or interesting my story is but the picture was taken on my first trip with the over pictured boots in my journeys and on that day I was determined to make all the tests for them and see how good they are through the water or not slipping over. Being also my first time using such boots which are so different than anything used before, of course, it ended up with lots of fails, falls, bruises and laughs because I felt like a baby who barely knows how to walk 😄

Well, going by that picture, it looks like you were having a blast and that's the main thing.

I've broken in many pairs of boots in my day and it seemed always a process of blisters and pain so I think you're doing well to be laughing.

I've done a lot of hiking and trekking in my time and probably the worst was the jungles of Papua New Guinea when I trekked the Kokoda Trail. I can't even count the number of times I fell over...It's brutal. I was glad that I'd broken in my boots well ahead of time!


Yeah, some good years passed since the picture was taken and I learned lots of things and been through a lot of experiences with the boots, breaking them and having some bad falls too, but overall are the moments we remember and which matter the most so I can't really complain about it since I love this lifestyle :)

A well-used pair of boots hold many memories and stories I think. I tend to get attached to mine a d reluctant to change them over. I mean, partly because breaking in a new pair sucks, but also because those boots and I have been through so much. Does that make sense?

Definitely! I couldn't say it better! I actually got a new pair of boots the past winter and they are still in their box just because I'm not ready to give up on my pair full of memories from all my journeys

I figured you'd get it, and yes, I've done the same, hold off on breaking in a new pair. This is why I always buy very good quality boots...I know I'll have them for a long long time.

Wow im not the only one who's sentimental about shoes. I often struggle to throw old pairs out. For instance I've got a pair of dimple black tennis shoes i picked up for 15aud in australia. The soles are literally falling off and flap around when i walk in them. They're actually dangerous to wear as the soles have nearly cone off all together. But those shoes have been around the world with me. There's so many memories with them. So i keep them sitting next to my other shoes. I probably will never wear them again but keep them as valued memories.

How long did the Kokoda take you? I've read about it in relation to the fighting against the Japanese in WW2 but I didn't realize that it was something that you could or would hike

Several days man...Was pretty brutal. If you go to the post below and scroll through the list of posts you;ll find a set about my kokoda trek, a four part series.


I did it to honour the diggers (Aussie soldiers) who fought and died there.

Also, there is a Movie called Kokoda...Worth a look.

Damn. I will give'em a look.

There's quite a few of my posts there, so just pick out the ones I mentioned and any others that take your fancy.

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Look! It's the shoes! WooHoo! Looks like you made a nice catch that saved some bun pain on that one...

I've broken in several pair of boots, too. I remember my first 'real' pair. Raichle Rotondo. They damn near killed me the first couple of times I wore them, but got so good I had them rebuilt twice.

I bought a pair of custom made work boots in about 1990. The guy that fitted them and made them told me on fitting day "I want you to wear these every day when you go to work. The first week I want you to put your old boots on at lunch time. The second week you can change as needed." Best boots ever.

Haha, indeed! I'm kind of used to fall and got some great reflections during the practice, lol!

A year or so ago I bought a pair of 'hiking shoes'. I really like them for trips out on the desert, I wear them every day. A friend and I decided to take Sam over 'Little Cross Mountain' one Sunday and I wore my shoes instead of boots. Sure enough, I found a little gravel when I stepped on to a rock and went flat on my butt. I probably learned a lesson about the difference between shoes and boots....

Haha, you learned the difference on the hard way! But at least now everything is clear lol

Yeah. A little pain is a really good teacher for me!

New hiking boots can be a disaster sometimes! You made it thru...haha. I had similar issues with my new boots, they were terrible overpriced piece of garbage and ended up taking them off and walking the last bit bare socks in the snow.

Indeed! Haha. But for me it ended up as one of the best acquisitions in a while wearing them even in the middle of the summer! I actually love them and how cozy they are. My feet feels like crap in different shoes lol.

One summer, when I was really young, like 14 or so, I went to camp, I only got to camp for a few hours. I set my tent up, and was dragging that heavy thing they call a backpack in when i got bit by a rattler that decided it wanted my sleeping bag more than me.

I screamed and yelled and used words I was not supposed to use at that age. So I grabbed that rattler and broke it scrawny neck. Then after screaming for what felt like hours, a camp counselor came over to see what the fuss was all about. He almost lost it when he saw the size of the rattle snake and just stood there staring at the snake.

I had to yell at him to get my snake bite kit out of my packs top left hand zipper pocket. Since he had taken so long I made the razor cuts a couple inches above the bite and then started the suction cup action, he almost fainted, it was the first time I ever saw someone go white like a ghost, it was funny, it hurt like hell, but watching him turn white was so funny.

Great stuff here and I pity that poor camp counselor, as he will remember that incident for life lol.

Some years ago a neighbor complained about her leaking roof, so I went over to have a look. There was an old rickety ladder that her husband made when he was still alive and I figured that with luck, it could carry my weight.
No luck as about three quarters up, the ladder snapped. She screamed and a small crowd gathered to inquisitively inspect the commotion.

As the ladder snapped I grabbed at an open window and put my forearm through one of the solid window panes resulting in a 50mm cut that sprayed blood everywhere, but thankfully I landed safely.

So I asked the lady for a needle and some thread and as I started to stitch the cut the lady ran screaming into her house and the crowd disappeared like mist before the sun lol.
That scar still smiles at me every day 🙂

People do sometimes have funny reactions to things, especially when the person it happened to treats it as just another day thing. I think that is the best way to treat tragedies that happen to us, we just have to be willing to not lose it ourselves because most people around do lose it.


So true, cool and calm always works for me.
Two guys robbed me outside our place in the street and one shoved a .38 revolver into my neck. Had he wanted to kill me he would have squeezed the trigger, but he didn't.
Now I am no hero, so they took my phone and my ID book and as they turned and walked away I told them that I would pray for them.
The one guy came back and he gave me my ID book back.

A few weeks later they were both killed in a shoot out with the cops at another robbery!

Such is life my friend and take care of yourself!

Thank you for the kind token!

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Well, not funny, but funny you know? Getting snake-bit would not be fun but later, thinking about that useless came guy came over and nearly fainted...Seems like the HR department buggered up the recruitment process!

A good thing you knew what to do.

I've never been bitten surprisingly considering that I'm in the wilderness all the time. Had many encounters though...None pleasant. I'm not into snakes.


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Good you had something to laugh about and forget about the pain for a while 😄

I have images of a kid laughing maniacally at the camp counsellor's reaction and the counsellor's expression becoming more quizzical because of the kids strange behaviour. The snake bite, must be the snake bite! Lol.

Yes, it is much better to look back on the funny parts verse the pain and hurt parts.

I got broken a few times, particularly when I was young. I had one time I marched into the doctor's office and his nurse came out to check my injury. I had a compress on it (it's when I lost my eye) and she said she had to look. I told her it wasn't a good idea but she insisted. I pulled the compress and she fainted dead away. The doctor ran out and asked if I could wait a couple minutes. I said yes and he got her up before he took me back to an office...

I grew up in Rattlesnake country and carried a snake bite kit all the time. But I never got bit. You must be one tough SOB to direct your counselor at age 14. My hat's off to you.

We were a camping family and familiar with the snakes. Some where long the line of life I lost my rattle from it. I think it is part of the reason I have such a sore right shoulder after all these years, a week of a high sling arm was not fun.

Well, that's a distinct possibility for the shoulder pain.

I know exactly why my right shoulder is bunk. I played baseball until I was 40 and I have at least one million hard throws in that shoulder. It SHOULD hurt :)

I bet the camp counselor tells the story like they were some feccin hero when in fact they were useless. Man, thats my worst nightmare a snake in my sleeping bag. I'd never go cmping again

Most rattlers only bite when they are scared but the results back then really sucked, having your arm slinged with the wrist above the heart for what seemed like forever was a real pain.

yeah man I bet. Did you ever get back into a sleeping bag ever again?

You would think camp Councillors would be trained for this sort of scenario, simple enough but watching whim turn ghostly must have been pretty funny!

It was and most camp counselors at summer camps are not very old, 18-21 years of age back then.

I guess that explains it, still tho, can't leave it up to a kid to tend his own venomous snake bit.


As the nature of my work is, it brings surprises most of the time.
There was a certain day I was called upon for home service, at first I was happy course that's one of the ways I make extra income, so I left for the location I knocked the gate but nobody answered so I decided to call on the person who invited me, she asked me to come in, immediately I entered and have moved a little bit farther from the gate I saw her coming and behold two mighty dogs was by her side. I almost fainted not knowing what to do course if I was to run I would be a scape goat so I decided to comport myself as a man although I'm elegiac to dogs, I had to stand still.
The dogs were grieved that they began to groan and bark but I had to stand my ground, The owner had to send them away but after I had recovered from the shock they came again but this time to get my saint I was happy it all ended well.

That could have ended differently if those dogs decided they were hungry! It must have taken some strength of will and nerves of steel to stand your ground when they came at you!

I remember being chased by a dog when I was a little kid, I must have been 5 years old or so...Scared the hell out of me and have been distrust of large dogs since then.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story, I appreciate it.


😂 , it was quite funny and scary. The owner didn't even know where to place me course they were both standing at my back and sniffing on my legs. Dogs are good for pet but they are times they play deaf to their owner. You've also gotten a nice story, thanks for the token .

You said you were allergic to dogs too, I guess that wouldn't have helped much at all. At least it all worked out for you.

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I keep trying to convince Sam that he needs to bite some of the people that come into our yard. All he does is stand there wagging his tail. Everybody knows he is absolutely no danger. The UPS man and the mail man bring him treats.

My Rottweiler was no threat to anyone either, but at least he looked like 9 miles of bad road.

😂 Cool dog, I like its style

He's half Rhodesian Ridgeback so is almost silent. He barks like once a week. He just stands there wagging that crazy tail and people just naturally want to touch him. Which is just fine with him.

Of course that's more OK than facing query about your dog's behaviour, you are making me wanna have a second thought on considering dogs, I'm jealous.

I got the best dog in Yuma County out of the pound. I always said I'd rather be lucky than good...

That's luck indeed, it's nice chatting with you have got to go. Do you mind dropping your discord link so I can add you up?

Old days coding.

This is an old story, about 30 years ago when I was at engineering school.
The second-year we had a computer language class where they tough us how to code in a very very old language called FORTRAN (I guess the name comes from Formula Translation).
I already knew how to code with other languages as PASCAL so If you had some knowledge you where allowed to skip classes and just get the required exercises done in time.

To give you an idea of how it worked, back then, we had a huge mainframe computer in the school and some terminals the students had to access to write the code. You had to write your code in a terminal, send it to the compiler which would translated it to machine code and run it. This would take a day, so you had to come back to the terminal next day to check the compiler results, and of course, find out bunch of errors. You then could correct and send them to the compiler again. This cycle could take several days so some students were "working together" and cheeting to avoid the long process.

Once the compiler result was a "success" you could send it to execute, another waiting day to see the execution was fine and finally send it for a printed paper version to give it to the professor. There were some shelves with alphabetical names there so you could go check your paper with the execution results.

As I skipped classes, I didn't know about the whole process, so first thing that happened to me (I was already used to code at home with a personal computer) was...."where the hell is the compiled result?". Some students working in the terminal next to me told me I had to come back next day to check the results.....Next day!, are you kidding me???.
Oh, well, I was so confident, I just thought I would get no errors and find the result next day ready for execution.

A day later I got there, and the result was three or four errors.....shit, another 24hours of waiting.....ok, this is coding, except for the long waiting times, I was used to the iteration process.

A day later, I got there and the result was a nice green OK. So, I has happy to see that and sent my piece of code to the "execution" module to get the final results.

Next day,,,,,I went to the shelves to check for my result and nothing was there. What's going on?. This stupid process is taking for ever and now after 24h still no results?. Oh well, I'll come back tomorrow.

Another day and no paper results on the shelves. At this point I started getting pissed. I was so confident I thought maybe some other student saw the good results and just grabbed my paper to copy the coding. I ended up asking other classmates if they experienced delays in their results and they were all ok as nothing was "longer" than expected.
Finally, I asked some of my friends if he could come and check with me if there was any problem....and voala!. The code was OK, sitting in the terminal, waiting for me to send it to the Fucking 24h delay printer!!!!

Old coding days 😂

Haha...And you were probably feeling quite panicked I would guess. How long was it before you skipped classes again?


Well, let's say I was not too much into going to classes. Back then I bought my first personal computer and discovered a whole new world. I don't even know how I could end up graduating 😂

Haha, yeah I think there's probably many who could at the same thing. I never went to university, so didn't have to skip class! 🤣

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I was about 10 years ahead of you and didn't take programming classes but several of my friends did. I remember well the bitching and moaning about Pascal and Fortran (which was just brand new in 1970). SISO was a common thing, and they still worked with punch cards some of the time. The stories about dropping your box of cards were hilarious.

I did buy my first PC in 1980. An Epson Equity III with 9 pin printer (tractor fed). Cost $3000 and was pretty useless in 2 years :) But I could handle floppy discs like a champ.

Many years ago after been told to get out of the night club as it was closing up we staggered our way down stairs and into the street. usually at this time and spot taxis would roll up you get in and tell em to take you home. Nothing for a while and then a car rolled up and stopped right in front of me. Without really thinking , and on drunken auto pilot, I opened the door and got in. " st peters road please mate" I said and the driver replied" get the fuck out of my car!" genuinely confused and drunk i said thats not very nice is it. At which point he got out walked around the car and dragged me out onto the pavement and dumped me there. At this point a couple of the bouncers of the club came out and got in and drove off. My mate kevin thought it was hilarious. " you twat thats the head bouncers car" ahhh i thought that'll explain why I am down here on the concrete then.

I am still laughing thinking about the face of the driver when he heard you saying "St Peter's Road, mate", maybe you should have ended the sentence with a burp 😂

possibly did. My eyes were probably looking a little each way as well. Comedy gold

thats my funny one no photo ( thank the old gods) but as for interesting back when I used to so a relief stint managing the diving on a little island off the coast of Zanzibar ( place called Mnemba) i got to take one of the Beatles diving, which was a bit of a bonus really. Not everyday you get to spen time on a one on one basis with one of the Beatles macca.jpg

Good photo...That's your killer look reserved for the laydeez I presume. :)

Pretty cool to take one of the Beatles diving...I don't have any real encounters like that...Spent three hours with Heath Ledgers dad in my car once...(Kym). We talked about all sorts of things as I was showing him some property. He also toured me around his race gearbox factory here which was cool - It's a pretty impressive set up. Talked about heath too...Was a cool few hours. He's no Beatle though.

i like those types of crossovers. It's kind of cool no matter who or what. That is when they end up being pretty cool

Yeah, I agree...Just a nice little anecdotal story to tell I guess. It was interesting to hear his perspective on things.

Lol...I was dreading where that was going but it worked out perfectly...The bouncers in their car and scuba on the fucking pavement! Well, maybe not perfectly I guess, but it could have ended with you waking up in a hospital with your jaw wired together and sucking soup through a straw for 10 weeks.

Good mate too...Not, are you ok my friend...Nope...Scuba you twat! Gold!


yup, they knew me anyway as they'd thrown me down the very large flight of stairs before after a slight disagreement with somebody over seating arrangements that went a bit pear shaped. haha those were the days

Ah yeah, nothing like getting familiar with the bouncers at the club. They are pretty heavy handed here I'm told, or used to be at least. Been a long time since I went to a club. Hated them.

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Oh God. I have a visual here!

My buddy Spencer got his first PHD driving a Cab in Seattle. He was a big SOB, and my first college room mate. Basketball player about 6'8" and probably 230. Late night bar pickups could be problematic. Every one that got in his cab after about 10:00 pm got the same warning: If you puke in my cab I will use you to clean it up. He got some, of course, but probably saved some and made some people reconsider their drinking patterns.

i just reconsidered my rides home my patterns have changed very little lol

Ahahahaha Consistency is a virtue after all!

lol yup this leopard aint changing its spots for sure

Haha, out of all the cars to get into!

Sory it took me forever to do this. I was too busy finishing my Lindsey Stirling painting and helping my mom on other things.Hi, @galenkp

The "funny" story I wanted to tell was funny for my family, but not for me.

It so happens that we have a mango tree next door with some branches reaching over to our house. This house has a long corridor and at the end there is a room. That is my parents' room. Over the room we have the mango branches from next door.

One day I was coming out of the room, I was probably 3 years old and I was going to say something to my mother, who was talking to my grandmother, my uncle and someone else in the patio. In that very moment a very riped mango fell from the tree on my head. Everybody looked at me shocked not knowing what to do, thinking that maybe I was going to drop dead. The mango pulp started to slide down my face like a yellow shower and they started to laugh, and then I started to cry. They were all like, "DON'T CRY, we are just laughing, it's funny, you are ok", and I kept crying. And they were like, we are not laughing at you we are laughing with you. I was like, Sheldon Cooper, "But I'm not laughing!"
Real story


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You gotta watch out for falling mangoes! Lol.

I'll be honest, if a mango fell into a bowl of ice creak I was eating I wouldn't mind...But on my head? I'd not be so happy with that I think. :)

 4 years ago  

Hope it is still weekend in Australia.
I did not find my funny pictures. Asked my dad for one. So here it is:
This is me, less than 1 year old, giving my father, who was attending grad school then, a hard time in the middle of the night.
According to legend, I'd wake up every niht crying asking for him to play some music on the radio. He was so tired that night (morning actually, about 3 am), he told me, "you go play your music yourself". According to this picture I did that.😗


Ahahahahahaha Great pictures!

I get it! Music is terribly important to some of us!

 4 years ago  

Hahaha. Thanks. Funny thing is that my father hates music or noise or any kind of distractions when he is studying, writing, or reading.

I can relate to this. My one year old does not let me and my wife (a grad student) do anything when he is awake. Some days, he wakes up at 1 am in the morning and the only thing that stops him is her mom's singing.

 4 years ago  

Sometimes it is surprising how involved music can be in children of such a young age, I could hardly walk!
Thanks for stopping by.

Trouble maker! Lol.

Look at you on that table getting into all sorts of mischief!

Thanks for sharing these pictures...You look like a cheeky little thing and I wonder if you have continued to be that way! :)


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Hi @galenkp, first of all I want to thank you for the hive placed in my wallet for last weekend's engagement. They were helpful to me.Thank

In this week 15 you ask to share a funny picture. Searching in my photo gallery, I found this picture.

This picture is from a couple of years ago, it's not that old haha.
It was a day I visited my aunt and there was my cousin's bike, when I saw the bike I said: why not take a ride on it? Despite being a small bike for me I decided to ride it and capture the moment.
Even though I didn't achieve what I wanted to do, it was really uncomfortable to ride.
I confess that after capturing the moment and trying to pedal, my weight made some nuts loosen up and I had to take it to the mechanic to be repaired.

Haha! It seemed a good idea until your had to get it fixed. I guess many great ideas end in this way.

I think it would have been funny to see you riding off down the street on it! So tell me, what did your cousin think about you commandeering the bike? You look good on it that, and I like those trainer wheels on it...One can never bee too safe I think.

Thanks for sharing this image and having some fun in the #weekend-engagement post. I hope you'll stick around and comment on some of the others too...Build some relationships as they will help you build your account. I was happy to send you some hive last week and glad my small transfer came in useful to you.

All the best, and have a great weekend.

Don't forget to use the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend!

The truth is that I couldn't go to the street, because I damaged it when I rode in the house, haha.
My cousin got a little upset and told me that I was too old for grace.
A great idea turned out to be a failure, but now remembering the moment and looking at the photo I found it very funny
Thank you very much for the advice, I appreciate it very much, my idea is to grow and have the joy of continuing to meet beautiful people along the way

It's funny looking back at old photos sometimes...I do it myself and often find myself thinking what the hell was I thinking! Good fun though.

Ohhhhh. That's funny.

My cousin was getting a divorce and moving in a hurry if you know what I mean. A couple of buddies and I went over and got the deal done in pretty short order. When we were done she asked me to ride her Sportster to her mother's place. I can do that!

One of the buddies followed me. Said I looked like a monkey doing the big nasty with a football. That's pretty much how it felt. That bike was too small by a big factor. It was only about 5 miles but it felt like 50. I got stuck at a traffic light and felt like you look. At least I'm big enough nobody had a smart comment.

It doesn't feel comfortable at all haha
You want to do things believing you can and end up not being very good, but very fun if

It doesn't feel comfortable at all haha
You want to do things believing you can and end up not being very good, but very fun if

Haha poor bike looks like something I would have owned when I was 7 years old, it almost held up from the sounds of it! I was once in a beauty pageant for harley davidson and bikers, part of the challenge was to embarrass ourselves in a 3 task challenge, the first one was to ride around the bar with a tiny bike (maybe a bit smaller, plus I'm tall and had 4 inch high heels) but without the training wheels and had to stop at different locations to take a bunch of shots so by the time we get to the final destination we would be pretty drunk riding a tiny bike. It's actually pretty hard to ride a tiny bike.

With heels it is even more difficult
I was walking around in sneakers and I couldn't move haha, of course I damaged it


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Well, I guess since we're all telling our very most awkwardly funny moments, here's one of mine... Back when I was a wee lad, around 7-8, I had one of those moments where I got "drunk" and didn't know what I was doing. It's not alcohol either, but you know how you'd wake up from a 3-4 hour nap (that's supposed to be only an hour long), and you feel drowsy?

It might just be the only time in my life I ever felt, "drunk". Well, I woke up feeling like I've had a keg or two of scotch, completely out of my mind, and I was desperately in need of a pee. I ran from my bed to the nearest receptacle and pulled my pants down. Just before anything gushed out, I snapped out of my drunken mind for a moment, and realised...

Wait, why are there bits of rubbish and papers down the toilet. Well, I suddenly realised that my willy wasn't staring down the toilet bowl, but the trash bin, also in the toilet. Remember, I was a very wee lad, and to think that I nearly caused one hell of a mess. It was really, very, truly awkward. I guess it's like those drunken teenagers pissing randomly in an alley way. Oh Zack, you weirdo.

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Haha, the old pee in the trash can scenario huh? I wouldn't want to have been the one to empty the trash if you did pee in there. You were only a kid, so probably justifiable though. :)

Lol, I'd have no idea what to tell mum in that case. It was one of those more pungent, rich yellow-y piss too, so I suppose I could say it was apple juice. That was such a weird episode. So much so, that I remembered it after all these years.

Lol...Great meme!

It's the best of memes, and a reminder that not all penises are made equal 🍌

Hi, if there is still time to participate, here is "something funny or interesting that happened to you, a family member or friend."

As we were thinking today about what funny anecdote to tell for the Weekend Engagement, a hen (don’t know where she came from) entered our patio and started to mess up with our zucchini plants. My sons started to throw rocks to the hen to shoo it away. Adrian told my wife, let’s kill it, mommy. I want to eat fried hen. That made us remember an anecdote my mother used to tell of a sister-in-law she had, when she had just married my mother’s brother, Lucas. They lived in Yaguaraparo and my uncle Lucas liked to bet on cock fights. He had some cocks of his own.

One day he got home angry because his cock had lost a fight. He asked his wife to sacrifice the poor animal and prepare it for dinner. My mother and her sister-in-law, none of whom knew anything about cooking certain birds, started to prepare the cock. They had heard about baked turkey and duck, so they assumed they could do the same with an old fighting cock.

They set up an unusually elegant dinner, table adorned and all, my father was there, and when they were to make the first cut, the fork flew across the table and the cock thigh fell to the floor bouncing as if was made of rubber.
No one could eat that dinner.

Haha, rubber cock huh? I like the fact they set up a swanky dinner table...But the food was better used as a football maybe! Funny story, thanks for sharing.


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Hey @galenkp - do you or the Engage the Weekend Comunity have a twitter account? What's the best way to msg you 5 easy questions? My alter-ego @HiveLift would like to do a post about Engage the Community this coming week (if that' OK).

Appreciating this very cool & clever idea!!

Hey there, thanks for your message.

No, I don't have Twitter...It's just not my thing. I'm on Discord and if you are you could message me in that way.


It would be great if you could throw a little more light on the engage the weekend community, I'd like to see it gain a few more followers and to get some more post-action...I've purposely made it really generic so as long as content is weekend-related it's good to go...That pretty much means everything suitable.

The ONLY reason I use twitter is to shine light on all things Hive. tbh not my thing either, but it's very effective. I treat it like a job and apply coffee or wine to soften the stress levels. LOL.

Yes, I want to do just that - highlight alll that's good, diverse and engagable around the Hive. I didn't know about this community and only just saw it cos @riverflows posted and mentioned it. I can promise you SO MUCH of Hive isn't known by most of the rest of hive.

Twitter is by far the most active Hive community - about 500 accounts engaging regularly, as in multiple times per day. Thise same people are also super active onchain. It's the easiest way to tell people about other bits of the Hive.

Happy to send you some Qs in discord. 😊 Give me half an hour to make some coffee and ponder... LOL.


Coffee is critical to any productive pondering. Lol

A few people post my stuff on Twitter at times. I don't mind. Hey, further to the weekend community is my #weekend-engagement topic post each Friday. 15 weeks now with over 4800 comments directly resulting from the topics. You can see this weeks here...Just thought you might be interested


I'll await your Q's and, over a coffee, deploy some answers. :)

Reading over coffee? How thoughtful. And help me to frame some GOOD questions!!

I REALLY LIKE the conept and, as I said, only discovered your community in the last hour. The community discovery thing MATTERS to grow the ways people in Hive feel connected. And so making it my biz to shine that light on what cool people are doing.

I've upped my Twitter posting and it helps, honestly. At @artemislives insistance - she did have to throw a mango or two at me before I started, and I only do it with a hmphf and a groan, but I do it for the team. Cool that she found your community through my post in Twitter - weird way of doing things I suppose but there it is. Twithive?

Yeah, it's a circuitous route, via Twitter, but in this case worked well. I'm not a fan of Twitter to be honest but understand how it can ripple the word out there.

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Love that funkin photo man!!! Looks like it is off to a good start!

I put a chain mail hauberk on too...Was heavy. They had a heap of stuff people could try on...Was kind of cool.

We'll see how things go this week...Maybe people won't want to share much...Some have though so that's all good.

I've tried one of them on too!! It came down to my knees and weighed a fucking tonne!!!!

I am sure there will be many entries coming in

I'd go to battle with you any day boomy.

 4 years ago  

Hey awesome, glad that you and a few others really liked the visualization of the data that I put together! More than happy to do this type of stuff, it's a lot of fun for me and I get to learn more about the software I am practicing at.

Interesting topic this week! I am going to have to figure out what to write about, we've had some pretty wild things happening to us over the years, my wife and I!

I said it before, that is just a really great representation of a really great initiative. Thanks again!

 4 years ago  

You're welcome man! I enjoy having things to post about anyways, so happy when I get an idea that pans out!

That data was good. It's good to visualise the numbers sometimes.

We'll see what you come up with huh? You don't need to tell us anything personal, just a funny or interesing little story will work. I'll look out for it.

What a cute picture haha, lovely theme for a topic! Oh I think that scrolling through the answers will leave many wrinkles from smiling

Yeah, I left my baseball cap home and needed a hat...I found this and figured it would would work well! I was wrong.

Hahaha, it looks interesting though

 4 years ago (edited) 

Keeps the rain off, and glancing blows from swords, axes and arrows. If I got hit in the noggin with a morning star, mace or war hammer I'd be fucked though.

Hahahhahha. Now I imagined how would it look like if an actual star would fall and have an impact on that hat lol. It would not be cute and with sparkles like seen in the movies? ✨✨😂

This is a morningstar...


It's designed to crush heads and break bones in battle.

Cute sparkles and sprinkles would hurt less I think.

Lool, I genuinely just thought about an actual star🌟😂😂 Have a great week G!

Lol, after looking at your pic, this is the first thing that came to my mind. This is Sparta!

Haha, well something like that. Having it on my head certainly give me an appreciation how heavy full armour would have been to actually fight in.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

I'm retired, so for me, the weekend is kind of like the rest of the week. It actually took a while to get used to not having a schedule that was formed around having to be somewhere 5 days a week at a certain time...

Well, some are lucky enough to have a seven day weekend...I'll get there at some stage, but not for some years to come I guess. Feel free to post in the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend! Whether you have a seven day, or two day weekend, any weekendy content is welcome.

I've been retired long enough that I designate my own weekends. They hardly ever last over a month :)

Joined the Engage the Weekend Community and will get some posts up about weekends here in the Boreal Forest of Saskatchewan!This is such a cool initiative - I hadn't heard of it until I read @riverflows post.

Hi there and thanks for joining! You're welcome to post anything thing at all as long as it has a weekend-focus. That makes it fairly broad. I'm looking forward to some about the Boreal forest. ,🙂