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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 29: Talkin' toys

I don't know from shinola about pokemon but I do know comfort and ease so I get the bean bag completely!

Wasn't Pokemon the game that started in Hawaii that spread to California. You got the game pieces from milk/juice bottles?

I'd love to see you get to your goal really soon...


I don't know shinola about the other game you're mentioning, but it sounds interesting. Pokemon was invented by Nintendo, so it is Japanese. But maybe it had some collectible thing going on like what you just said.

Bean bags are amazing. I feel bad not having one in any shape at home. But maybe if I ever get my own place, I will have one.

And well, I hope that, too. Right now it looks like a steep hill, but I know that doing some zig-zag and keeping my steps firm I can get to the place I need.