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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

I actually thought about doing today as my best day. I have a lifetime worth of friends and family and experiences and I GOT TO WAKE UP TODAY TO ENJOY THEM. :)

Good Times, Bad Times
You know I've had my share.

I have to tell you, I have way less bad days than good days. In fact, maybe only one really bad day. Most of my life I have just bubbled along without much strife or grief. Maybe that's why it's hard to think of one day in that huge stack of good days.

The other thing is that I can't think of many truly bad things that weren't followed by a good one. I too, think that may be the way of life.

I am well and still tobacco free. I know that is an excuse at this point, but I really do have a hard time sitting down with out smoking or plotting a smoke. It's much better, maybe I'm back. :)


I caught that Zeppelin line.

Ahahahahahaha Every now and again one will slip out of me. I hope I never need 'When the Levee Breaks". That might be a bad day :)

 3 years ago (edited) 

You know Tom, I don't necessarily count a bad day as this or that happened and it was bad.

A bad day for me could be one in which I acted poorly, or didn't react well in a situation that could have benefited from a lighter touch.; You know, when I am not my best self for some reason or other. When things settle and I look back...Yep, that was a bad day and tomorrow I'm going to do it better. You know what I mean?

A bad day could be one in which I argued with Faith and let that argument dominate the day, or the emotion behind it cause me to be disrespectful. They're bad days dude. There are days when one crashes a $100,000 car...That's bad. There are days when one finds out they have cancer. That's bad. There are days when people around us die. That can be bad. But a bad day isn't just about that sort of thing for me.

I think you get the picture and, in truth, a good day isn't always attached to an event. It could be a day in which everything went to plan and was productive at work...That's a good day right?

A good day recently was spent doing nothing but writing a post here and watching movies with Faith on the couch It was whilst we were moving and we needed a break and that's what we did. Nothing special happened, but it was a good day.

Anyway, it's good you're well and I'm glad to hear you're smoke-free still. Good effort. Be around hive when you want to be, engage when you need to or feel like you have something to say...You have built enough credit with many people here so taking a day or so off and then popping back in isn't a problem.

Creo que todos los dias son buenos miestras tengamos salud, vida. Todo se resume en como miremos los resultados de ese dia.

I agree, it's all situational and dependant upon many factors.

I get it, and agree. Today isn't a bad or good day ALMOST with out exception (see above :) ). It's my reaction that makes it bad or good. Well, that and I'm just too stupid to know in real time whether or not a day is going to get cataloged as bad or good in my world.

Like "OMG I got a date with a serious hottie. I mean she might melt car seats." Then later that night "I can't believe we ended up in a sweaty heap on her couch. Might be the best day of my life"

When in fact, she got pregnant (my first. It was widly assumed I couldn't ) Made it a really good day, right? Well, that was not exactly what anyone would call a good marriage and when our daughter died any civility that might have been saved left.

But was every day bad? Not even close. I loved her daughter more than air. I got to settle a score with her ex, a serious asshole. The sort of thing that leaves a smile on my face today.

So I just never know. I end up pretending that I'm a good guy and see what happens from that.

It's all about perspective I suppose, a little honesty too probably. We're surrounded by things that could be regarded as good or bad and our perspective often dictates which, or if it's just balanced. We are subject to good and bad and sometimes can't affect either, but we can affect how we react to each right?

Exactly. I've never known anything to be all bad or all good. It's all about my reaction to it.

I'm going to talk about my worst day. I'm working on it.

a good day isn't always attached to an event.

Oh, this is true.
Not just the events and circumstances count.

I am joining a bit late to the topic 😔, I am going to read first the comments :-)

I've had many good days I'm which nothing much happened; Sometimes those lazy days can be so valuable right?