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RE: Past and Future

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Nice photos. I am really glad you were able to connect with your family like this. That is pretty funny that you mention a book that takes place during something like what we have been going through. I actually read a book like that. It had a science fiction tilt to it, but it was still pretty unsettling reading some of stuff given what we had been seeing. I hope you are doing well!


One thing I got out of the whole thing was a working knowledge of how a pandemic works BEFORE I had a practical use for it :) I read a couple of pretty dry textbook type tomes on the mathematics involved and another on the vectors of a virus. I'm pretty sure it wasn't worth it...

I AM doing well and hope you are also!

Very interesting! Too bad all of the powers that be didn't take the time to do the research ahead of time as well! I think there were definite missteps at every level from both sides of the aisle! I am doing well thank you! Just hunkering down for one of those Michigan winters!