in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)


Hi guys the weekend is well uderway and we still have 1,5 day left, yes the #beersaturday is half way gone, or half remaining just as you like. While we are at home and only go into the office, live, once ever so often ( where I got the scare last week of being infected ) new hateful things are born.yes new things that now will and can bother you more than before. Covid has some strange ways. For you that wonder yes that’s my tiger dress and my feet in my pictures.


For instance the boys are into using the WII again, so we looked for all the wires and adapters.
The wii is old. The Wii is a game console released by Nintendo. The game console was previously known under the code name Nintendo Revolution. The Wii is the official successor to the Nintendo GameCube. Sorting things that have been in our home some what longer
I hate because I hate when things don’t work when you need it. Or things are not there, like plugins and wires. Some wires were missing and some accessories just didn’t fit on the original controllers.


The Wii had many accessories like the tennis racket, the golf club , the steering wheel and the gun. I found all things all over the house.

Ofcourse I have more things that I hate involving the Weather, Baby talk, Covid risks by our lovedones, Blogs with less than 50 words, Boys homeschool on very sunny days, Apple TV that only has old movies, when my sewing needle breaks when the last ornament needs to go on my jeans. The milk carton that you cannot open because the carton is wet and you just don’t want to buy plastic cans, untill you are trying the carton and it sucks! The wiring that gets caught in your office chair now while you are working so much from home. Youtube links telling you to load, while it is already loaded.

If you have just been lying comfortably in your warm bed and then come to the conclusion that you still have to go pee, or the dogs bark longer than usual and you just saw “ I know what you did last summer’ re run. The skin on your finger that you should pull off of yourself, but that you know you shouldn't do. Your hand that can't reach the lower pringles anymore.
I also adore our dogs but when they went outside and the dogs shake their fur at my feet and i smell like dog i'm not so happy either.
I am a crybaby I know but this is therapeutic, I know there are a lot of bad things happening in the world this very minute so just let me you don't have to vote, just make a blog yourself you will find that it works wonders for the mind.

You know what ?
Yes this is fun , just rant about all that is hate-able just for the sake of the blog in the weekend.


I did find more controllers than we have family members, but also a fun Game mat we didn’t know we had anymore so we will try that later when all is done. Because from this new things evolve aswell. I have to sort the games we have inthe house. Some o]are for little kids and it’s time to share them either with the school or the thrift store for people that can use it more than we need it.



And this is what we don’t need for now and I put elastics on all the wires and all the accessories we don’t need. Sooner cleaning is done aswell and batteries are renewed. Old ones are in a bag to recycle, and this is put in an empty closet for keeps.

Interested in doing a blog and having no inspo?
Here is the blog;


This is text and rules taken from the ETW blog,

Week 23 topic - Answer the following 👇

  • Name three (or more) of your pet hates (pet peeves) and tell us why
    (Feel free to add photographic evidence if you like)

  • Have a complete rant if you like too!
    Be as creative and fun as you like...The Weekend-engagement topic is all about fun after all. Stay around and engage with some of the other answers too, that's what this is for!

You need to comment below in the comments section of this post, don't just drop links to external posts you've made - That's not how it works.

If you would also like to do a post on this topic feel free to do so in the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend! I'll be curating in there all weekend.

This is an opportunity for you to engage with a large group of people and if you're a new user it will help you meet new hivers, start relationships and build your profile. If you are not new, you can do the same...And also help the community out by drawing their attention to this post an the exposure it could bring them.

I have some hive to give a way to a few people who engage below and will transfer that directly to their wallets on Monday night. You have until midnight Sunday night 15th November 2020 to get your response below to be eligible, and to engage with others.

That's it hivers, this week's topic. So tell me, what's your pet hate y'all? Don't tell me you don't have one...I won't believe you.
Source galen-Kp

This is my blog for now
I will be back later and share some more, this lady has so much in store for the remaining weekend and why not share ?

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember focus on being creative instead of being bee-zy.

Remember we are only one comment away from eachother.

Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives @ladiesofhive.
Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.



Your personal Discord terminal invite : https://discord.gg/XZGPGpz


Blog Date : 14 november 2020


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 31 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @brittandjosie, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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